    发布者:lingliang  发布时间:2023-02-04 14:14:37  访问次数:

            How to reach us Home page: www.e2v.com Sales Office: Northern Europe e2v ltd 106 Waterhouse Lane Chelmsford Essex CM1 2QU England Tel: +44 (0)1245 493493 Fax:: +44 (0)1245 492492 E-Mail: enquiries@e2v.com Southern Europe e2v sas 16 Burospace F-91572 Bièvres Cedex France Tel: +33 (0) 16019 5500 Fax: +33 (0) 16019 5529 E-Mail: enquiries-fr@e2v.com Germany and Austria e2v gmbh Industriestra?e 29 82194 Gr?benzell Germany Tel: +49 (0) 8142 41057-0 Fax:: +49 (0) 8142 284547 E-Mail: enquiries-de@e2v.com Americas e2v inc. 4 Westchester Plaza Elmsford NY 10523-1482 USA Tel: +1 (914) 592 6050 or 1-800-342-5338, Fax:: +1 (914) 592-5148 E-Mail: enquiries-na@e2v.com Asia Pacific e2v Bank of China Tower 30th floor office 7 1 Garden Rd Central Hong Kong Tel: +852 2251 8227/8/9 Fax: +852 2251 8238 E-Mail: enquiries-hk@e2v.com Product Contact: e2v Avenue de Rochepleine BP 123 - 38521 Saint-Egrève Cedex France Tel: +33 (0)4 76 58 30 00 Hotline: hotline-cam@e2v.com

            Table 10-2. Camera Link Connector Pin-out Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin GND 1 CC2+ 10 X3+ 19 X0- 2 CC3- 11 SerTC- 20 X1- 3 CC4+ 12 SerTFG+ 21 X2- 4 GND 13 CC1+ 22 Xclk- 5 GND 14 CC2- 23 X3- 6 X0+ 15 CC3+ 24 SerTC+ 7 X1+ 16 CC4- 25 SerTFG- 8 X2+ 17 GND 26 CC1- 9 Xclk+ 18

             Command Syntax The valid syntax is "S = n(CR)" with: 

             ? S: command identification as per “Camera Command and Control” on page 5. S is a single character in upper case. 

             ? n: setting value. 

             ? (CR): means "carriage return". no space, nor tab may be inserted between S, =, n and (CR). Example of a valid command: 

             ? G = 3(CR): sets the camera to gain 3 (refer to “Camera Command and Control” on page 5 for exact value calculation). Example of non valid commands:

            ? G = 3(CR): spaces 

            ? g = 3(CR): g instead of G 

            ? G = 1040(CR): 1040 is outside of range 9.4.2 Command Processing Each command received by the camera is processed:

            ? If the command is valid: – the setting is done in case of a write command. – the camera returns the data separated by (CR) in case of the read command. – the camera returns: >OK(CR).

            ? If the command is not valid: – nothing is done. – the camera returns: >1 = out of range; >2 = syntax error; >3 = command too long; >4,>6,>7 = internal error; >5 undefined function

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