    发布者:lingliang  发布时间:2023-02-04 14:35:03  访问次数:

            Table 11-2. Lens Mounting Number of Pixels 512/14 μm 1024/10 μm 1024/14 μm 2048/10 μm 2048/14 μm 4096/10 μm C mount OK OK ~OK(1) ~OK(1) not usable not usable F mount OK OK OK OK OK OK Table 12-1. Ordering Code Part Number Resolution Pixels Size Description AT71M2CL1010-BA0 1K 10 μm AViiVA M2 CL 1010 AT71M2CL2010-BA0 2K 10 μm AViiVA M2 CL 2010 AT71M2CL4010-BA0 4K 10 μm AViiVA M2 CL 4010 AT71M2CL0514-BA0 512 14 μm AViiVA M2 CL 0514 AT71M2CL1014-BA0 1K 14 μm AViiVA M2 CL 1014 AT71M2CL2014-BA0 2K 14 μm AViiVA M2 CL 2014 AT71KFPAVIVA-ABA – – F mount (NIKON) AT71KFPAVIVA-AKA – – T2 mount (M42 x 0.75) AT71KFPAAVIVA-ADA – – M42 x 1 mount AT71KFPAVIVA-ACA – – C mount AT71KAVIVAP2C0D3A0 – – Cables kit: 10m power supply a

    nd 5m Camera Link cables

            Command Syntax The valid syntax is "S = n(CR)" with: 

            ? S: command identification as per “Camera Command and Control” on page 5. S is a single character in upper case.

            ? n: setting value.

            ? (CR): means "carriage return". no space, nor tab may be inserted between S, =, n and (CR). Example of a valid command:

            ? G = 3(CR): sets the camera to gain 3 (refer to “Camera Command and Control” on page 5 for exact value calculation). Example of non valid commands:

            ? G = 3(CR): spaces ? g = 3(CR): g instead of G ? G = 1040(CR): 1040 is outside of range 9.4.2 Command Processing Each command received by the camera is processed: ? If the command is valid: – the setting is done in case of a write command. – the camera returns the data separated by (CR) in case of the read command. – the camera returns: >OK(CR). 

           ? If the command is not valid: – nothing is done. – the camera returns: >1 = out of range; >2 = syntax error; >3 = command too long; >4,>6,>7 = internal error; >5 undefined function.

           Example: when receiving "! = 3(CR)’’ the camera returns its current settings: ? A = 0(CR); B = 0(CR); ....; E = 0(CR); >OK(CR). 9.5 Storage of the Settings in EEPROM e2v recommends to use "E = 1" for settings that are often changed (check the maximum number of write cycles above) and when the time required by the camera to process a command is critical. The maximum number of write cycles allowed for the EEPROM is: 100 000. 10. Connector Description All connectors are on the rear panel. Note: Cables for digital signals shall be shielded twisted pairs. 10.1 Power Supply Camera connector type: Hirose HR10A-7R-6PB (male). Cable connector type: Hirose HR10A-7P-6S (female).

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