    发布者:a82955578  发布时间:2021-04-08 16:42:08  访问次数:



      wire & rod



      ag25 cu40

      zn rem.

      brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.



      wire & rod



      ag45 cu30


      brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.




      flux coated rod



      ag45 cu30

      zn rem.

      l303 coated with flux, the same application as l303.







      ag50 cu34

      zn rem.

      brazing of copper, copper alloys and steel etc.




      wire & rod



      ag72 cu rem.

      brazing of copper and nickel under vacuum or reducing protective atmosphere.




      wire & rod




      brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.



      wire & rod




      brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.




      wire & rod




      brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.




      wire & rod




      brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.



      wire & rod




      brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.




      wire & rod




      brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc.



      aluminum base



      cast rod, wire & rod




      al rem.

      brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys.

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