联系人:王总 联系电话:0577-27880112 手机:手机:13362763534
DXN8D-T系列户内高压带电显示装置(以下简称装置),适用于户内额定电压为:6、12、20、27.5、35kV。频率为50Hz的开关设备上,用以反映显示装置设置处高压回路带电状况。 2、显示装置中支柱绝缘子传感器,可以与各类型高压开关柜、隔离开关、接地开关等配套。 3、显示装置不但可以提示回路带电状况,而且还可与电磁锁配合,实现强制闭锁开关柜操作手柄及网门。达到防止带电关、合接地开关、防止误入带电间隔目的,提高开关设备防误性能。 4、正常使用环境条件 a、安装地点海拔高度3000m及以下; b、适用于凝露环境; c、适用于Ⅱ级污秽环境。 主要技术参数项目名称 单位 数据 传感器 额定电压 kV 3 6 12 20 27.5 35 最高工作电压 3.5 6.9 11.5 23 31.5 40.5 额定频率 Hz 50 绝缘水平 工频耐受电压(有效值)一次对二次对地 kV 25 32 42 65 80 100 40 60 75 125 185 185 雷电冲击耐受电压(峰值) PC ≤10 局部放电量 抗弯强度 N 显示器 氖灯启辉电压 kV 0.57 0.57 0.97 1.93 2.78 3.63 闭锁启控电压 2.15 3.80 5.50 13 14.88 19.43 二次电源电压 B ≌220-110 显示装置的分类 a.按额定电压等级分为:3KV、6KV、10KV、12KV、27.5KV、35KV; b.按传感器使用环境条件分为:普通型、加强绝缘型(全工况型); c.按显示器功能分为:T型、Q型; d.按显示器外型尺寸分为:Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型 DXN-6T DXN-10T DXN-35T高压带电显示器:I型 II型
DXN8D-T charged display device through the smoke pressure capacitance mandrel, from high voltage hot-line loop of the extraction of certain voltage as display and the power of the closure, used to reflect the device in state set charged, and will force a atresia switch nets door. Voltage instructions and forced the closure work, all by the same high pressure signal control, but circuit system is independent of each other. As long as the high voltage circuit charged, so even if display circuit and atresia circuit and broke down, electromagnetic lock is still in atresia state. So the products of the big mistake atresia reliability, safety degree is high. Sensors all is according to all the operating mode requirement design, creepage distance meet the technical requirements. Display the novel appearance, electronic parts all screening, assembly delicate. The sensor for epoxy resin casting post insulator type products. Can be used as a isolating switch, grounding switch and other post insulator use and has high strength, bear the arc, and a strong ability to put local power small etc. Characteristics