全球 Allen-Bradley X-42184 R.H.供应现货
全球 Allen-Bradley X-42184 R.H.供应现货
  • 规格: Allen-Bradley X-42184 R.H.
  • 发货地:北京
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1件
  • 诚信商家










      网址:http://www.anf-auto.com 欢迎访问!
      DCS集散式控制系统、PLC可编程控制器、数控系统、(CPU处理器、模块、卡件、控制器、伺服驱动、工作站、驱动器、马达电机、 内存卡、 电源,机器人备件等)各类工控备品备件产品。
      QQ:  18060957161


       Banner Engineering IA23P Fiber Assembly^

       Allen-Bradley 700-HA33A2^

      Allen-Bradley 592-A2EA Overload Trip Relay

       Allen-Bradley 700-HA33A2 Relay*

      Allen-Bradley 1771-IAD Series D Input Module W/Arm

      Modicon AS-BDAP-220 TSX Compact Comb. I/O Module

       Allen-Bradley 193-BSB16 Bimetallic Overload Relay^

      Siemens BQD120 Circuit Breaker

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16A Series T Amber Pilot Light

      GE Fanuc IC610MDL101 A Input Module

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16R Series T Red Pilot Light

       Baumer Electric IFR 04.82.05 Proximity Sensor

       Allen-Bradley 879D-F4ACDM5-0M​3 Isolated Y-Cable

      Allen-Bradley 193-EB1DB Ser. B Overload Relay

      AEG Modicon AS-B828-016 5 VTTL Output Module

       Festo PE-1/8-2N Pressure/Vacuum Switch^

       GE CR101H11^

      Bussman OPM-CC Optima Overcurrent Protection Module

      Siemens 3VU100-1MG00 Manual Motor Starter

      Allen-Bradley 800T-QT24R Series T Red Pilot Light

      Allen-Bradley 1771-IAD Series D Input Module W/Arm

       Baumer Electric ES 9 Proxmity Sensor Cordset ES9

       Allen-Bradley X-36702 Size 2 Stationary Contact

      GE Fanuc IC610MDL112 A 8-Circuit Input Module

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PA16G Series T Green Push Button

       Honeywell BZE6-2RQ Micro Switch^

       Square D 9998 GG-4 4-Pole Parts Kits 9998GG-4

       Crouse-Hinds 5000111-8C 5/C Cable

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16A Series T Amber Pilot Light

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16W Series T White Pilot Light

      Banner Engineering Q45BB6FQ5 Photo Sensor

      OMRON L2Z-C 2G4 Contact Block

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PA16R Series T Red Push Button
      Extended Head With Guard 120V Transformer

      Allen-Bradley 193-A1E1 SMP-1 Overload Relay

      FPE NA 120 1-Pole/20 Amp Stab-Lok Circuit Breaker

      FPE NB 120 1-Pole/20 Amp Stab-Lok Bolt-On Breaker

      OMRON C200H-ID215 SYSMAC Input Module

      Omron E3S-AR36 Polarized Reftro-Reflecti​ve Switch


       Cutler-Hammer 10933H2 Auxiliary Contact

       Allen-Bradley X-36182 L.H. Overload Relay

      Texas Instruments TI U-15T Output Module

       Allen-Bradley X-42184 R.H. Overload Relay

       Cutler-Hammer C351KC21 30A/250V Fuse Clip Kit

      Allen-Bradley 855T-B10DN5 Amber Steady Light Module

      Allen-Bradley 855T-B10TL4 Red Steady LED Light Module

      Allen-Bradley 855T-B10TL6 Blue Steady LED Light Module

      Siemens 3RV1011-1DA10 Manual Motor Controller

      Allen-Bradley 1771-WHF PLC-5 F Wiring Arm

       TURCK RSF31-0.2M Minifast Proxmity Connector

      Allen-Bradley 1203-GD1 Remote I/O Communication Module

       Allen-Bradley 700-HK36A1-4 Series A Relay^

       Banner Engineering Q10AP6RQ^

      Telemecanique LT2-SC00BD Thermal Overload Trip Module

      Square D 9065 SEO-6B Size1 Temp. Compensated OL Relay

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16R Series T Red Pilot Light

      Modicon AS-B805-016 115VAC Input Module

      Siemens 6ES7 193-4CA20-0AA0 Simatic S7 Plug-In Base

       Allen-Bradley 1490-N5 1 1/2 Inch Conduit Hub

      OMRON C200H-ID215 SYSMAC Input Module

       PISCO RVUM4-4 Gauge Union Regulator

      Allen-Bradley 100-A30NZJ3/B Contactor W/24VDC Coil

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16G Ser. T Green Pilot Light

      Allen-Bradley 193-A1C1 SMP-1 Overload Relay

      Telemecanique LT2-SC00BD Thermal Overload Trip Module


      Allen-Bradley 1771-IAD/C Input Module W/Arm

      Allen-Bradley 193-CPC30 Series B Overload Relay

      Cutler-Hammer D40RPB D40 Relay NC Contact Cartridge

       Honeywell 621-9950 16-Pt. I/O Terminal Block

      GE Fanuc IC610MDL101 A Input Module

      Banner Engineering Q19SP6LPQ 32097 Photo Sensor

      Bussman OPM-CC Optima Overcurrent Protection Module

      Allen-Bradley 1771-IAD/C Input Module W/Arm

      Allen-Bradley 1492-CB1 G200 Series C Circuit Breaker

       Modicon MA-0212-001 M84 Fanning Strip

      Allen-Bradley 1771-WHF PLC-5 F Wiring Arm


      Banner Engineering S18SP6DLQ Sensor

       Allen-Bradley 879D-F4ACDM5-0M​3 Isolated Y-Cable

      Allen-Bradley 1771-IAD/C Input Module W/Arm

      Allen-Bradley 1771-WHF PLC-5 F Wiring Arm

       Sutton Tools 3/4-16 UNF HSS GH 6 Tap

      Banner Engineering OPBT2QD OMNI-BEAM Power Block

      Banner Engineering OPBT2QDH OMNI-BEAM Power Block

      FPE NASWD 115 1-Pole/15 Amp Stab-Lok Circuit Breaker

      Texas Instruments TI 500-5001 Input Module 5005001

      Allen-Bradley 800MR-PT16K Green Small Round Pilot Light

       Allen-Bradley 700-HA33A1 Series C Relay^

      Banner Engineering IAT23S Fiber Optic Cable

      GE Fanuc IC610MDL111 A 8-Circuit Input Module

      Allen-Bradley 800T-RT10R Series T Red Pilot Light
      Push-To-Test 120V AC/DC Neon Power Module

       Sprecher + Schuh KT3-25-PA-20 Auxiliary Contact

       Square D 50005-120-02 OEM Finger Tip Contact

      Nemic Lambda EWS150-6 Linear Power Supply

      SMC VVQ2000-10A-1 Solenoid Valve Module

      WAGO 750-504 4-Channel Digital Output Module

      SMC VQ2201-5 Solenoid Valve Control Module

      Banner Engineering S30SP6FF400Q EZ-BEAM Sensor

       Allen-Bradley 700-HG45A4^

       Allen-Bradley P2 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P6 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P14 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P15 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P16 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P18 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P20 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P21 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P22 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P23 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P25 Manual Starter Heater Element

      Allen-Bradley 1492-CB1G060 Ser. B Circuit Breaker

       Allen-Bradley 700-HA32Z24 Series A^

       Allen-Bradley 195-FA11 Series A^

       Allen-Bradley 700-HC24Z12 Series A Relay^

       Allen-Bradley 700-HB33A1 Series B Relay^

      Allen-Bradley 1771-WHF PLC-5 F Wiring Arm

       Honeywell LSZ1E Micro Switch^

       Hubbell HBL7582G Twist-Lock Receptacle 2P/3WG

       Allen-Bradley 700-HK36Z24-4 Series A Relay^

      Allen-Bradley 1771-WHF PLC-5 F Wiring Arm

       Banner Engineering RWB4^

      Siemens BQD120 Circuit Breaker

       Sprecher + Schuh KT3-25-PA-20 Auxiliary Contact

      Allen-Bradley 595-A Series B Auxiliary Contact

       Allen-Bradley 700-HA32A2 Series C^

       Allen-Bradley 700-HA32Z24 Series D Relay^

       Allen-Bradley 700-HB32Z24 Series B Relay^

      OMRON C200H-SP001 SYSMAC Space Unit Module

       Allen-Bradley 1490-N9 3/4 Inch Conduit Hub

      Schneider Modicon DEP216/AS-BDEP-​216 TSX Compact Module

      Schneider Modicon DEP218/AS-BDEP-​218 TSX Compact Module

      Allen-Bradley 800T-J91KE7A Series T 3-Position Switch

      Schneider Modicon AS-P120-000 Power Supply Module

      OMRON C200H-ID215 SYSMAC Input Module

       Sprecher + Schuh KT3-25-PA-11 Auxiliary Contact

      Schneider Modicon AS-BDAP-216N/DA​P 216N Module

       Allen-Bradley 700-HN101 Series B^

       Allen-Bradley 700-HB33Z24 Series C Relay^

       Sprecher + Schuh KT3-25-PA-20 Auxiliary Contact

       Banner Engineering 2LM3^

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16G Ser. T Green Pilot Light

       Modicon MA-0212-001 M84 Fanning Strip

      Allen-Bradley 140-MN-0160 Ser. C Manual Motor Starter

      Siemens BQD120 Circuit Breaker

      OMRON C200H-SP001 SYSMAC Space Unit Module

       Allen-Bradley 700-HB33A1 Series C Relay^

      Schneider Modicon AS-HDTA-201/DTA 201 5-Slot Subrack

      Schneider Modicon AS-HDTA-200/DTA 200 5-Slot Subrack

       Allen-Bradley N6 Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley N11 Thermal Overload

       Banner Engineering SBD1 Photoelectric Scanner Block

       Allen-Bradley N1 Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley N2 Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley N3 Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley N5 Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley 700-HN103 Series B^

       Allen-Bradley N22 Thermal Overload

       Allen-Bradley P38 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P31 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P27 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P28 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P37 Manual Starter Heater Element

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16A Series T Amber Pilot Light

       Allen-Bradley P33 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P36 Manual Starter Heater Element

       Allen-Bradley P32 Manual Starter Heater Element

      Allen-Bradley 1771-WH PLC-5 Wiring Arm

       Cutler-Hammer D7PR23A 120VAC DPDT Relay

      Allen-Bradley 800T-D6A Series T Red Mushroom Head PB

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16R Series T Red Pilot Light

      Siemens BQD120 Circuit Breaker

      Allen-Bradley 700-HA33A11-3 Series D AC Relay

      Klockner Moeller 22 DIL E Auxiliary Contact Block

      Klockner Moeller DIL EM-10-G Auxiliary Contact

      Allen-Bradley 800T-PT16R Series T Red Pilot Light

      Allen-Bradley 700-HA33A11-3 Series D AC Relay

      Klockner Moeller DIL EM-10-G Auxiliary Contact

      Square D QOB120 1-Pole/20 Amp Circuit Breaker

       Bussman FRS-R-1 1/4 Class RK5 600V Fuse FRSR1 1/4

       Bussman FRS-R-1 Class RK5 600V Fuse FRSR1

      Buss 216 Class H Fuse Reducer 30A/600V To 100A Clip

       Bussman FRS-R-1 Class RK5 600V Fuse FRSR1

       Allen-Bradley 800MR-NX106 Large Legend Plate




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