德国soudokay SK 858-M镍基合金药芯焊丝
SK 858-M nickel alloys
Classifications cored wire for arc spraying
Characteristics and field of use
SK 858-M is a unique Nickel and Aluminium wire produced specifically for the production
of a high quality, high tensile bondcoat for use exclusively with the arc spray process.
Hardness as deposited: NA
Typical analysis in %
Ni Al
Pure deposited metal balance 5,0
Welding instruction
Observe normal spraying practices, respiratory protection and proper air flow pattern
advised. For general spray practices, see AWS C2.1-73. Thermal spraying is a completely
safe process when performed in accordance with proper safety measures. Become familiar
with local safety regulations before starting spray operations.
Form of delivery and recommended welding parameters
Wire diameter (mm) Amperage Voltage Psi Spray Dist
1,6* 100 – 300 29 – 31 60 – 80 100 – 200