TS MOLY润滑脂?TS-210?35磅桶
TS MOLY润滑脂?TS-210?35磅桶
  • 规格:TS-210
  • 发货地:深圳
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1桶
  • 免费会员






    联系地址:Room201, A building, No.1, Qianwan




      TS MOLY润滑脂 TS-210  35磅/桶 


      深圳前海众合恒达科技有限公司成立于2008年,具有多年润滑脂易耗品化学品备件的供销经验,主营经营美国Melancon, VAL-TEX沃泰斯, JET-LUBE, KLUBER克鲁勃, RS CLARE,CLIMAX, MACDERMID麦德美,TS MOLY, SWEPCO, CAMOERN, LUBCHEM润勃可,HYDRATIGHT SWEENEY MOLY等,BESTOLIFE货期短,价格优!

      T. S. Moly润滑有限公司位于休斯敦,德克萨斯,是一个工业润滑油生产商和供应商。产品主要包括油脂,油,防粘化合物,气溶胶,和添加剂等。

      TS-70 Moly Paste
      TS-70 Moly Paste is a thread compound with 70% molybdenum disulfide, NLGI No.2, especially suitable for wet or corrosive conditions, including subsea applications. 

      It has highly consistent torque values for makeup and breakout.

      TS-90 Moly Gear Concentrate is an additive for all types of gear oils to lower friction and improve the film-forming capabilities of the oil.

      TS-65 MP Moly Grease

      TS-65 M.P.Moly Grease is a multipurpose, semi-synthetic inorganic wheel bearing and chassis grease with moly. It is water insoluble and withstands high temperatures. TS-65 is an extreme pressure grease making it suitable for heavy duty industrial uses. 

      TS-91 Guard Dog

      Super Moly Treatment for Gear Oil

      Guard Dog Super Moly Treatment is an ultra premium additive for oil used in final drives and transmissions of motorcycles. It is a proprietary blend of synthetic oil and moly and is compatible with all grades of gear oils.

      TS-210 SeaSafe Leg Dope And Cable Lube 35lb Pail  

      TS-90 Moly Gear Concentrate 5 Gallon Pail

      TS-66V High Temperature Grease - 40lb Pail

      TS-801 Dry Film Moly 12-12oz. cans

      TS-70 Moly Paste With 70% MoS2 4 lb can

      TS-264 SeaSafe EP Grease 45lb Pail

      TS-115 Corrosion Control Grease

      TS-123 Synthetic Moly Chuck Grease

      TS-116 Corrosion Control Grease with Moly 

      TS-201 Walking Cam Heavy

      TS-210 SeaSafe Leg Dope And Cable Lube 

      TS-264 SeaSafe EP Grease (Biodegradable)

      TS-333 Heavy Grind EP Grease

      TS-400 Synplex Ultra High Temp Grease

      TS-64 Kiln Car Grease

      TS-65 M.P.Moly Grease [Ts65;65;Moly Lube; Multipurpose Lube Mp G

      TS-66B High Temperature Grease (Bearings)

      TS-66V High Temperature Grease (Valves)

      TS-67 Arctic Grade Moly Grease 

      TS-726 Fishing Reel Grease

      TS-619 Sewing Machine Oil 

      TS-480 Wire Rope L And P

      TS-360 Biodegradable Oil With Moly

      TS-301 Moly Gear Lube SAE 85W140

      TS-74 Stainless Antiseize

      TS-85 Synergel LT 

  • 0571-87774297