40.能源/用水(A 能源/用水的相关法lv法规受控 B 月度能源/水消耗跟踪记录 C. 年度节水降耗目标及实施进展跟踪)
41.污水(A. 污水排放相关法lv法规受控 B. 污水委托处理合、发 C. 污水监测报告:pH 、度、COD、BOD、TSS、重金属等(每季度至少一份有效第三方监测报告),相关测试指标必须符合 GRS 3.0 标准附录 4 要求 D. 污水处理运行日志:污水处理站日常运行记录/废水内部监测报告 E. 污水处理操作手册和程序污水处理设施设计方案和处理)
42.废气(A. 空气污染的相关法lv法规受控 B. 空气污染源识别 C.空气污染设备的维护)
43.固废(A.(危xian)废弃物处理合、发 B. 废水处理:淤泥处理协议/接收单位危废处理资质/淤泥处理统计/淤泥接收单据)
备注:1. 初次申请或未加工过 GRS 订单,按照 GRS 要求进行模拟生产并保留相关记录备查。2. 如果有外发加工单位,必须与持证单位签订GRS 认证合作协议,有效期一年。3.此审核清单仅供 CU 认证客户参考使用,具体审核要求以最新版 GRS 标准以及COUNTROL UNIOn CERTFICAIONS 检查规范(CUIR)为准。未经许可,请勿以任何形式转播和发布,违者将追究相应法lv责任!
C1 – Environmental Management System
C1 - 环境管理体系
C1.1Environmental Management System
Certified Organizations shall have an environmental management system (EMS) in place. The environmental management system shall include the following:
C1.1a EMS Manual
C1.1a EMS 手 册
C1.1b A designated EMS staff person (from the management level) responsible for its implementation; it is not required that an entire position be dedicated to managing the environmental management system at the facility, but instead that someone has been assigned the role as part of their job responsibilities.
C1.1c A mechanism to remain up-to-date with applicable local legal requirements.
C1.1c 建立获取当地最新适用法lv要求的机制。
C1.1d Basic management controls in place: a system to document, measure, and track the relevant environmental indicators (Sections C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C2.4, and C2.5).
40.能源/用水(A 能源/用水的相关法lv法规受控 B 月度能源/水消耗跟踪记录 C. 年度节水降耗目标及实施进展跟踪)
41.污水(A. 污水排放相关法lv法规受控 B. 污水委托处理合、发 C. 污水监测报告:pH 、度、COD、BOD、TSS、重金属等(每季度至少一份有效第三方监测报告),相关测试指标必须符合 GRS 3.0 标准附录 4 要求 D. 污水处理运行日志:污水处理站日常运行记录/废水内部监测报告 E. 污水处理操作手册和程序污水处理设施设计方案和处理)
42.废气(A. 空气污染的相关法lv法规受控 B. 空气污染源识别 C.空气污染设备的维护)
43.固废(A.(危xian)废弃物处理合、发 B. 废水处理:淤泥处理协议/接收单位危废处理资质/淤泥处理统计/淤泥接收单据)
备注:1. 初次申请或未加工过 GRS 订单,按照 GRS 要求进行模拟生产并保留相关记录备查。2. 如果有外发加工单位,必须与持证单位签订GRS 认证合作协议,有效期一年。3.此审核清单仅供 CU 认证客户参考使用,具体审核要求以最新版 GRS 标准以及COUNTROL UNIOn CERTFICAIONS 检查规范(CUIR)为准。未经许可,请勿以任何形式转播和发布,违者将追究相应法lv责任!
C1 – Environmental Management System
C1 - 环境管理体系
C1.1Environmental Management System
Certified Organizations shall have an environmental management system (EMS) in place. The environmental management system shall include the following:
C1.1a EMS Manual
C1.1a EMS 手 册
C1.1b A designated EMS staff person (from the management level) responsible for its implementation; it is not required that an entire position be dedicated to managing the environmental management system at the facility, but instead that someone has been assigned the role as part of their job responsibilities.
C1.1c A mechanism to remain up-to-date with applicable local legal requirements.
C1.1c 建立获取当地最新适用法lv要求的机制。
C1.1d Basic management controls in place: a system to document, measure, and track the relevant environmental indicators (Sections C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C2.4, and C2.5).