
脱水沉淀剂的使用技巧 聚丙烯酰胺阴离子和阳离子的选配方法
2020年后复工开始后 各个企业陆续开始生产 很多洗沙厂 污水厂 食品厂也开始慢慢进入满负荷生产 因为长时间的停产导致很多厂里的污水存储时间太长 污泥精钢自然沉淀自然成降到底部 时间久了变得非常坚固 用污泥泵都不能抽出来 奇葩的事情比比皆是 广西金总就是一个很好的例子 2018年采购了带式压滤机 从江苏采购的 设备不能使用 使用聚丙烯酰胺处理污水效果很很好 上机就是不行 因为污泥上不了压滤机上 沉淀后不能抽上了 污水池里搅拌扇叶太小 加进去药剂 不能重复反应 金总百感交集 试了又试 买了我家的聚丙烯酰胺阴离子 聚丙烯酰胺阳离子 聚合氯化铝都试了 药剂真好 机器不行啊 2019年金总又花钱买了个板式压滤机 还是某某品牌 广告很多 设备安装在了 高于沉淀池2米的的地方 还是出现这个问题 污泥抽不上去 不用药剂自然沉淀 时间太久用装载机吧务你挖出了 金总就是不选择药剂 压滤机滤布每个月换两次 一次1000多块 就是不用阴离子聚丙烯酰胺 这就是经验啊 设备安装出现问题 设备白买了 洗沙专用聚丙烯酰胺因为其具有极性基因—酰胺基,于借其氢健的效果在泥沙颗粒表面吸附。

滚筒式聚氯化铝 铝含量普通,水不溶物高,多用于污水处置.
板框式聚氯化铝 铝含量高, 水不溶物低. 用于污水处置和饮用处理.
喷雾单调聚氯化铝 铝含量高, 水不溶物低,溶解速度快,用于饮用水及更高标准水处置.
PAC聚氯化铝由于喷雾单调稳定性好,顺应水域宽,水解速度快,吸附才干强,构成矾花大,质密沉淀快,出水浊度低,脱水性能好等优点,在同样水质的情况下,喷雾单调聚氯化铝投加量减少,特别在水质不好的情况下,喷雾单调产品投量与滚筒单调聚氯化铝相比,可减少一半,不只减轻了工人的劳动强度,而更重要的是减少用户的制水本钱。除此之外,用喷雾单调产品可保证安全性,减少水事故,对居民饮用水非常安全可靠。When treating drinking water, polyaluminium chloride with low content will have more impurities and water insolubles, so high content is required. Especially in papermaking, cosmetics production is to use high content.
Drinking water must be treated at drinking water level. Heavy metals are not detected at industrial level, and insoluble substances in water are also higher than drinking water. Generally speaking, drinking water level is related to human life and can not be used arbitrarily. It must be a real drinking water level. If industrial level is used for drinking water, there are many hidden dangers. And the purity is different, industrial use is 26-28%, drinking water is 30%.
And sewage treatment, the content requirements are not strict, low content is not too much, you can put more medicines can also achieve the desired effect.
Henan an Jia Jing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of polyaluminium chloride, which is mainly divided into drinking water level and industrial grade. The production process is mainly divided into spray method and roller method.
Drum-type polyaluminium chloride is generally used for sewage treatment because of its high water insoluble content.
Plate-frame polyaluminium chloride has high content and low water insoluble. It is used for sewage treatment and drinking treatment.
Spray drying has high content of polyaluminum chloride, low insoluble substance and fast dissolution rate. It is used for drinking water and higher standard water treatment.
PAC polyaluminium chloride has the advantages of good stability in spray drying, wide adaptation to water area, fast hydrolysis speed and strong adsorption capacity. It has the advantages of large alum, high quality and fast sedimentation, low turbidity and good dewatering performance. Under the same water quality, the dosage of spray drying polyaluminum chloride is reduced, especially when the water quality is not good, the product volume of spray drying is compared with that of drum drying polyaluminum chloride. It can be reduced by half, which not only reduces the labor intensity of workers, but also, more importantly, reduces the cost of water production for users. In addition, spray drying products can ensure safety and reduce water accidents, which is very safe and reliable for drinking water.