  • 规格:2028
  • 发货地:河南
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1吨
  • 免费会员









      材料成了非常需要的产品 洗沙厂在4月之后也进入了高发展阶段 同样离不开净水材料的应用 
      总结一下实际生意洽谈中遇到的问题 近期接到好多个洗沙场老板电话 很多都是刚上的污水洗沙设备 压滤机等 投资都是几百万上千万 几个月的努力调试生产 到现在到了污泥脱水时 沙

      场老板很多都不能跟我们这些药剂阴离子聚丙烯酰胺厂商达成合作信任 从寄样品实验选型到后期发10袋货试用 一切问题都结局了 沙场老板还是要安排1-2吨药剂使用后再付款 亲爱的污水厂沙场老板 我们的产品质量已经展现在您面前了 洗沙本来也不是很复杂的问题 质量保证是做一个商人基本的原则底线 阴离子聚丙烯酰胺的分类也无法低萄糖酸钠应用:
      混凝土是一种组合物料,由水泥、集料、掺合剂和水制成。混凝土是所有人工制造的物。混凝土中四分之三是集料,然而在混凝土中活性的成分是 水泥浆。混凝土的性质和性能主要决定于水泥浆的性质。混凝土中的掺合剂能提供一些有益的作用如加速凝固,延缓凝状存在,减少用水量和增加 塑性等等。通常在水泥中同时使用数种掺合剂,各种不同的掺合剂在一些应用中能互相强化。
      葡萄糖酸钠可以作为掺合剂用在混凝土中,它在混凝土中的功能如下: 减水剂和缓凝剂葡萄糖酸钠一般是单独使用,但是也可以与其它缓凝剂如碳水化合物和磷酸盐配合起来使用。葡萄糖酸钠是一种结晶的粉末。是在妥善规定和控制的条件下生产出来的。此化合物是化学纯的并且无腐蚀性。质量是恒定的。这些特点能保证它在应用中有可靠的和重复性的结
      溶解性:极易溶于水,略溶于酒精,um gluconate application:
      Concrete is a composite material made of cement, aggregate, admixture and water. Concrete is the most abundant of all manufactured materials. Three quarters of concrete is aggregate, but the most active component in concrete is cement slurry. The properties and properties of concrete mainly depend on the properties of cement slurry. The admixtures in concrete can provide some beneficial effects, such as accelerating solidification, delaying solidification, making air bubbles, reducing water consumption and increasing plasticity, etc. Usually several admixtures are used in cement at the same time, and different admixtures can reinforce each other in some applications.
      Sodium gluconate can be used as admixture in concrete. Its function in concrete is as follows: water reducer and retarder sodium gluconate are usually used alone, but can also be used in combination with other retarders such as carbohydrates and phosphate. Sodium gluconate is a crystalline powder. It is produced under the conditions of proper regulation and control. The compound is chemically pure and non-corrosive. The mass is constant. These characteristics can ensure that it has reliable and repeatable knots in application.
      Solubility: extremely soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, not ether

      即推延混凝土的开始与终究凝固时期,例如添加0.15%的葡萄糖酸钠,可将 混凝土的初凝 固时刻延伸10倍以上,也就是将混凝土的可塑时刻从几小时延伸至几天,而不影响其牢 度。可塑性与推迟开始凝固时刻在混凝土作业中是非常重要的问题,如在高温度季节施工及大型的工程作业中,推迟开始凝固时刻则是个难题,葡萄糖酸钠可满意解 决这个问题。别的高温时胶接油井是比较困难的,添加了葡萄糖酸钠后的混凝土在170℃高温下,在几个小时内可塑,因而也能满意解决上述问题。因而葡萄糖酸 钠作为水泥掺合剂在国外已很多使用于重要的建筑工程,如中东的很多桥梁工程中。但是我们国内在这方面使用也还未推广使用,据说有在造纸废水中提炼纤维素磺 酸钠,其效果与葡萄糖酸钠根本是不可相提并论的。
      Used as steel surface cleaner:
      When steel appearance needs to be plated with bowl, chromium, tin and nickel for special use, such as tinplate, galvanized sheet and chromium plating, the billet appearance needs to be cleaned strictly, so that the coating can be firmly combined with the steel appearance. At this time, the addition of sodium gluconate in the cleaning agent will be very reasonable. Think about the effect. This has been confirmed by large international companies that make tinplate.
      Used as cement admixture:

      When a certain amount of sodium gluconate is added to cement, the plasticity and strength of concrete can be increased, and the effect of retardation can also be found.
      That is to say, delaying the beginning and final solidification period of concrete, such as adding 0.15% sodium gluconate, can extend the initial solidification time of concrete more than 10 times, that is, to extend the plastic time of concrete from several hours to several days without affecting its fastness. Plasticity and delaying the beginning of solidification are very important problems in concrete operation. For example, in high temperature season construction and large-scale engineering operation, delaying the beginning of solidification is a difficult problem. Sodium gluconate can solve this problem satisfactorily. It is difficult to bond oil wells at other high temperatures. The concrete with sodium gluconate can be plastic in a few hours at 170 C, so it can solve the above problems satisfactorily. Sodium gluconate, as a cement admixture, has been widely used in important construction projects abroad, such as many bridges in the Middle East. However, the use of sodium cellulose sulfonate has not been promoted in China. It is said that sodium cellulose sulfonate is extracted from paper-making wastewater, and its effect is not comparable with sodium gluconate.
      In addition, it can also be used in electroplating and film making industry.
      Sodium gluconate, as an excellent corrosion and scale inhibitor of polyhydroxycarboxylic acid type, will be developed into a large industry if it can make technical efforts due to its many specific properties mentioned above.

      水解 喝高粘稠 洗沙厂用的基本价位在6000-8000之间 如果做循环水用 再加点pac 聚合氯化铝就可以 24含量就够用了 生意是谈的 但也是有底线的 建立在互相信任的基础上 我们免费上机实验在免费提供1-2袋试用  这已经使我们的真诚 诚意 
      欢迎各位老板寄样选型 包括聚丙烯酰胺聚合氯化铝  现在生化培菌处理也很流行 氨氮去除剂 醋酸钠 葡萄糖也同样有销售 
      2020眼看就要过半 经济需要稳定 保生产保稳定 保民生 离不开我们净水人的努力 为青山绿水努
  • 规格,型号
  • 0571-87774297