    发布者:hxbelt  发布时间:2012-05-16 12:38:03  访问次数:









    The world's largest double drive gear drive ball mill CITIC Heavy Industries successfully test

    Recently, the world's largest double drive gear drive ball mill in CITIC Heavy successful test and one month in advance delivered to the China National Gold Group Corporation.

    The delivery of Φ11 × 5.4 m semi-autogenous mill and Φ7.9 × 13.6 m ball mill for the system of CITIC Heavy Industries, China National Gold Group Osan two projects, the project is the China National Gold Group Corporation Hulunbeir implementation of the strategic cooperation of key projects.


    CITIC Heavy Industries and China National Gold Group Corporation the collaboration began a project in 2007 Unug spit Mountain project, CITIC Heavy Industries for the system of the key equipment - two Φ8.8 × 4.8 meter and a half since the mill and two Φ6.2 × 9.5 m overflow ball mill design and manufacturing tasks. CITIC Heavy Industries chairman is Qin introduced June 18, 2007, the China National Gold Group Corporation and CITIC Heavy Industries officially became a long-term strategic partner. , 4 very large mill to be put into operation in 内蒙古乌努格 the spit Hill copper-molybdenum mine, a group of semi-autogenous mill and ball mill with a designed capacity of 625 tons / group / hour, or 15,000 tons / group / day; running the actual processing capacity of 745 tons / group / hour, or 17,800 tons / group / day, more than about 20% of the plan.


    CITIC Heavy Industries in the design and manufacture of mine mill set selection, design, manufacturing, assembly, factory testing, site installation, complete supplier, is currently the world's only one able to provide users with a complete solution enterprises. Yang Xuetong of China Machinery Industry Federation, vice president of CITIC Heavy Industries already has an annual output of more than 200 large and medium-sized mill equipment manufacturing capacity, 8-12.2 meters in diameter to the customers at home and abroad since the mill, SAG mill 4-7.9 m in diameter ball mill.


    It is reported that CITIC Heavy Industries design and manufacture of various types of mine has totally independent property rights to use the mill not only throughout China and has been exported to Australia, Brazil, Russia, more than 20 countries.

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