    ABB 3BSE001440R1
    发布者:weixuan666  发布时间:2024-05-17 11:20:06  访问次数:

    228165111 ALCO cover, top
    22816514-1 ALCO cover
    2281654 ALCO bottom cover, aftercooler
    2281656 ALCO aftercooler cover
    2281871 ALCO lever, eccentric
    2281881-2 ALCO lub oil cooler
    2281882-2 ALCO aftercooler only
    2281885-1 ALCO aftercooler
    2281888 ALCO aftercooler
    2281891 ALCO O-ring
    22820112-4 ALCO bellows, short, 6 25", 12c
    22820112-4S ALCO bellows, short, 4-15/16", 12c
    22820113-1 ALCO bellows, long, s/s by 22820138
    22820122 ALCO expansion joint
    22820126 ALCO bellows, 8 cyl 
    22820133-1 ALCO bellows at 1R @ 1L, 16
    22820138 ALCO bellows, long, 12
    22820143 ALCO bellows, short, 6 cyl 
    22820147 ALCO bellows, long, 6 cyl 
    22820148 ALCO bellows, short, 12-T/18, 6-7/16"
    22820149 ALCO bellows, long, 12-T/18, 16-1/16", 28A73711-1
    22820162 ALCO bellows, 16-8P
    22820163 ALCO bellows, 16-8P
    22820168 ALCO bellows, long, 18-cyl  16-13/16"
    22820181 ALCO bellows, long, 12-T/18, 16-1/16"
    22820182 ALCO bellows, long, 18-cyl  16-13/16"
    22820183 ALCO bellows, 12-T/18, 6-7/16"
    22820196 ALCO 16-8P, extension pipe with bellows
    2282062 ALCO clamp, 8", 2-bolt, 16
    2282066 ALCO clamp, 4", 1-bolt, 16, s/s by 2282067
    2282067 ALCO clamp, 4", 2-bolt, 16
    2282073 ALCO end cap, 16
    2282074 ALCO end cap, 16
    22821010 ALCO bellows at 1R @ 1L (7"Long), 16
    2282102 ALCO 16-8P, extension pipe with bellows
    2282103 ALCO 16-8P, extension pipe with bellows
    22821211 ALCO extension pipe, 16-M
    22821212 ALCO extension pipe, 16-M
    22821217 ALCO extension pipe, 16-M
    22821227 ALCO manifold section, leg 6L
    2282124 ALCO bellows connector, 16-M
    2282125 ALCO leg 1L, manifold section, 16-M
    2282127 ALCO extension pipe, 16-M
    22821230 ALCO leg 8R, manifold section, 16-M
    2283031 ALCO extension pipe, standard, 49-1/2", 12c
    2283031-T ALCO extension pipe, special, Tunisia, 52-7/8", 12c
    22830310 ALCO manifold section, RS, use # 8281045
    22830311 ALCO manifold section, LS, use # 8281044
    2283032 ALCO extension pipe, 12
    2283033 ALCO old Tunisia,12
    2283034 ALCO manifold section, 12-cyl  Low profile, RS
    2283035 ALCO old Tunisia,12
    2283036 ALCO manifold section, 12-cyl  Low profile, LS
    2283037 ALCO manifold section, 6 cyl  SS
    2283038 ALCO extension pipe, 6 cyl  SS
    228x1004-2 ALCO clamp, EVO
    2290058 ALCO barring device

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