Automotion LC4BP13002 电机控制器
Automotion LC4BP13002 电机控制器
  • 规格:LC4BP13002
  • 发货地:厦门
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1件
  • 诚信商家










      Automotion LC4BP13002 电机控制器 销售服务热线-Market service line: 0592-5579206

      产品型号-Product model【Automotion LC4BP13002 电机控制器】
      产品状态-In-stock or No : 现货/期货
      产品货期-Lead Time : 【Automotion LC4BP13002 电机控制器】
      产品质量-Part quanlity :所有产品在出库前都是经过严格测试与筛选,一年质保。[All the part of our company has been tested and make sure can work well,One Year Warrany]
      销售服务热线-Market service line: 0592-5579206

      如果您有什么问题请欢迎随时来电。[If you have any question , pls do not hesitate to contact me.]

      Stahlin CL1513W Electrical Enclosure 15"x13"x6"
      Stainless Steel Filter Housing 12" x 3 1/4" w/ Locking Ring, Top, O-Ring
      Stainless Steel Filter Housing for 24" x 24" x 6" Filter 12" x 6" Round Ducting
      Stainless Steel Shaft 2 3/4" Dia. 27" Length
      Stainless Steel Tank 32"x24"x12" - Holds 40Gallon
      Star 1512-2-4004 Precision Ball Screw Assembly w/68" Ball Screw
      Star Linear LM007910 Compact Module Ballscrew Actuator 155mm Travel
      Star Linear Systems LM 7909 Ballscrew Linear Actuator 32" Travel 44 7/8" Overall
      Steel Armature 28mm-Diamter 18"H x 19"W
      Steel Machine Base Table Frame 81"W x 37"D x 30"H (missing panel, no levelers)
      Steel Machine Base Table Frame 81"W x 37"D x 32"H (with levelers)
      Stegmann HS20 3 AKR Hollow Shaft Incremental Encoder 3/8" Inner, 3000RPM, 120mA
      Stelron Motor Gear Reducer FLGR0-1-R-1 30:1
      Stelron Trans-Part Linear Rotary Pick & Place J-2-A-180
      Stephan-Werke Hameln Z0D63N12-4KSBC3 Motor, 220VAC, 1PH, 1650/55 1/min
      Sti 44506-0050 Safety Tension Interlock Switch w/E-Stop Pushbutton
      STi Light Curtain Receiver MSF4800S-30-440-R1
      STi Light Curtain Transmitter MSF4800S-30-440-X1
      Sti MA Series 2DC Safety Switch 44507-0380
      Sti MA Series Safety Switch MA-9 44507-0620
      STI Micro Safe MC4700 MC47LR-12-500-X Light Curtain 21-1/4" x 1" x 1-1/4"
      STI MS4340BR MiniSafe-B Light Curtain Receiver 40"
      STI MS4340BX MiniSafe-B Light Curtain Transmitter 40"
      Sti MS4344BX, MS4344BR Light Curtain Set 48" Width Emitter, Receiver w/Brackets
      STI Safety Switch 44518-0050
      Stober PE Series Servofit Precision 25:1 Planetary Gearhead NEMA 42
      Stocker Yale Imagelite Fiber Optic Illuminator Model 20 110- 120V 150W
      Sumitomo CNVM02-5075YA-8 Gear Motor 230/460VAC 1.12/0.56A 219RPM Type: TC-FX 8:1
      Sumitomo SM-CYCLO 3PH Induction Motor TC-F
      Sumitomo SM-CYCLO Motor CNFMS02-6075YR
      Sumitomo SM-CYCLO SNVM03-5095Y-59 Gearmotor 230/460VAC 1.3/0.65A 1/3HP 59:1


  • 0571-87774297