常熟张家港霍尼韦尔Dolphin® 99GX 移动数据终端
常熟张家港霍尼韦尔Dolphin® 99GX 移动数据终端
  • 规格:完善
  • 发货地:苏州及周边
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1件
  • 诚信商家









      霍尼韦尔Dolphin® 99GX 移动数据终端,一款针对交通和物流应用而特别打造的产品,带有内置手柄,采用用户友好型人体工学设计,并融合了最尖端的无线技术,具有多功能数据采集功能和极其坚固的构造,适用于一线工人从码头到前线零售范围内的各个地点的操作使用。 

      Shift-PLUS 电源管理系统:可为实时无线通信和多媒体应用持续供电一整个班次,员工无需另外携带备用电池或充电器

      Adaptus® 6.0影像技术:能够快速扫描一维和二维条码,具有极强的抗抖动性,同时能够使用内置彩色摄像头进行无缝图像采集,实现了多功能数据采集



      Remote MasterMind® 软件套装选项: 提供一个可立即投入使用的远程设备管理方案,扩展了移动工作人员的能力范围,并降低了总体拥有成本
      POS考勤设备 吴江条码设备 常熟条码机 无锡条码设备 条码解决方案

      99EX-CR-1 Dolphin 99EX Charge Rac - 30-slot charing cradle. Includes US power cord and power supply.
      99EX-EHB-1 Dolphin 99EX eBase - US Kit. Single bay charging cradle with USB and Ethernet
      connection, and auxiliary battery well for charging an extra battery. Includes US power cord
      and power supply.
      99EX-HB-1 Dolphin 99EX HomeBase - US Kit. Charging cradle with USB and auxiliary battery well for charging an extra battery. Includes US power cord and power supply.
      99EX-MB-12 Dolphin 99EX Mobile Base Vehicle Kit. Mobile charging cradle with a serial (RS-232) port for communications. Includes universal mounting bracket and 12V cigarette lighter power
      99EX-MB-24 Dolphin 99EX Mobile Base Truck Kit. Mobile charging cradle with a serial (RS-232) port for communications. Includes two universal mounting brackets and 24-48V direct connect power cable.
      99EX-NB-1 Dolphin 99EX Net Base - US Kit. Four-slot Ethernet charging and communications cradle. Includes serial cable and US power cord/power supply.
      99EX-NR-1 Dolpin 99EX Net Rac - 30-slot charging cradle with Ethernet connection. Includes US power cord and power supply.

      99EX-DEX-1 Dolphin 99EX DEX Charging and Communications Cable with snap on terminal connector cup – US kit includes power supply and power cord
      99EX-MC Dolphin 99EX Mobile Charger. Dolphin 99EX mobile charging solution with cigarette lighter power adapter (12V).
      99EX-QC-1 Dolphin 99EX Quad Charger - US Kit. Four-slot battery charging station. Includes US power cord and power supply.
      99EX-RS232-1 Dolphin 99EX RS-232 Charging and Communications Cable with snap on terminal connector cup – US kit includes power supply and power cord
      99EX-USB-1 Dolphin 99EX USB Client Charging and Communications Cable with snap on terminal connector cup – US kit includes power supply and power cord
      99EX-USBH-1 Dolphin 99EX USB Host Charging and Communications Cable with snap on terminal connector cup – US kit includes power supply and power cord

      200003933  Dolphin 99EX Extended battery door
      200003940  Dolphin 99EX Standard battery door
      200003941  Dolphin 99EX Standard battery door healthcare
      300001432  Dolphin 99EX Mobile Base Direct Connect Power Cord
      300001433  Dolphin 99EX Mobile Base Direct Connect Power Cord
      300001590  Dolphin 99EX QuadCharger, HomeBase, eBase Power Supply (no cable)
      300001640  Dolphin 99EX Net Base and ChargeBase Power Supply (no cable)
      77900506E  Cable: power cord, power supply to AC outlet, straight, 1.8m (6.0ft)
      99EX-BTEC-1 Dolphin 99EX Extended Battery Pack (Li-Ion, 3.7V, 18.5 Watt Hour)
      99EX-BTSC-1  Dolphin 99EX Standard Battery Pack (Li-Ion, 3.7V, 11.3 Watt Hour)

      77900910E  Cable, RS-232 Length: 6.0 ft. (1.8m)
      80000355E  6 ft. (1.8m) USB cable
      99EX-DEX  Dolphin 99EX Charge/Comm Cable – DEX
      99EX-RS232  Dolphin 99EX Charge/Comm Cable – RS-232
      99EX-USB Dolphin 99EX Charge/Comm Cable – USB Client
      99EX-USBH Dolphin 99EX Charge/Comm Cable – USB Host

      100007969  Dolphin 99EX Tether (1 tether)
      300001541  SD Card, Extended Storage/2GB
      300001580  Dolphin 99EX stylus kit w/ tethers - 3 pack - Long (WWAN)
      300001581 Dolphin 99EX Hand Strap with clip
      300001645K Dolphin 99EX stylus kit w/ tethers - 3 pack - short (wifi)
      9700-SCRPRO3 Dolphin 9700 and 99EX industrial grade screen protector kit. 3 per pack.
      99EX-Holster Dolphin 99EX Holster with belt loop and pocket for spare battery
      99EX-Holster-2  Dolphin 99EX Long Holster with belt loop and pocket for spare battery
      MSDM-4GB SD Card, Extended Storage/4GB
      MSDM-8GB SD Card, Extended Storage/8GB

  • 0571-87774297