品牌东佳信电缆 型号ftgyz 线芯材质裸铜线 电压等级中、低压电力电缆(35千伏及以下) 绝缘材料塑料绝缘电力电缆 展开 铜芯金属护套柔性防火电缆 点我去除广告 1.1 执行标准/reference standards 产品标准:q/djx008-2014 product standards:q/djx008-2014 1.2 产品用途/application 本产品主要适用于大型城市的高层建筑、娱乐场所和众多要求高质量和高安全的建设项目。主要为在发生火灾时不切断电源,又达到安全目的。 this product is mainly used in large urban high-rise buildings, entertainment venues and numerous high quality and high safety requirements of construction projects. in case of fire, do not cut off the power, but also to achieve security objectives. 1.3 使用特性/operating characteristics ? 额定电压:0.6/1kv rated voltage:0.6/1kv ? 生产范围:1~5芯,1.5~630mm? range of cable:1 to 5 core,1. 5~630mm? ? 电缆长期工作温度:180℃ long-term working temperature:180℃ ? 火灾时电缆承受温度:1000℃ temperature in fire:1000℃ ? 电缆敷设温度:不低于0℃ installation temperature:not lower than 0℃ ? 电缆***小弯曲半径:不小于10倍电缆外径 min. bending radius:not less than 10d 1.4 优越性能/perfect performance 1.4.1 bs 6387 -1994极高的防火,防水和放冲击性能 bs 6387 -1994 excellent in fire-proof,water-proof,impact-proof 1.4.2 大长度大截面连续化生产/continuous length 该电缆不受传统工艺的限制,可以按照客户要求长度生产。导体采用绞合工艺生产,截面积可以达到630mm?。金属护套采用联锁铠装金属护套,弯曲性能好。 the cable is not limited by the traditional process, and can be produced according to customer's requirements. the conductor is manufactured by stranding process, the cross-sectional area can reach 630mm? the metal sheath adopt continuous interlocking metal tape, showing good bending performance. 1.4.3 物理性能优越/excellent in physical property 由于该防火电缆采用金属护套和无机矿物质填充,所以电缆防暴性能优越,在火灾条件下,可燃的气体和明火不能到达电缆与电器设备连接处。 because the f cable is filled with inorganic minerals and takes metal sheath as jacket. so cable riot performance superior, under fire conditions, combustible gas and fire cannot reach joints of cables and electrical equipment. 1.4.4 安全性能好/good safety 电缆绝缘采用了合成矿物质材料加防水层材料,具有极高的耐温等级和防水效果。克服了传统矿物质电缆容易吸潮的特点。 the cable insulation is made of synthetic mineral material and waterproof layer material, which has a very high temperature resistance and waterproof effect. overcome the characteristics of the traditional mineral cable easy to absorb moisture. 1.1 常用型号名称表示方法type and description 表 6-1 柔性防火电缆型号及名称type and description 型号type 电压等级voltage 名称 description fttyz 0.6/1kv 铜芯铜护套联锁铠装柔性防火电缆 0.6/1kv ftgyz copper conductor coppertape interlocking armored flexible fire-resistant cable ftgyz 0.6/1kv 铜芯钢护套联锁铠装柔性防火电缆 0.6/1kv ftgyz copper conductor steel tape interlocking armored flexible fire-resistant cable