煤矿用橡套电缆MY MYP电缆厂家直销
煤矿用橡套电缆MY MYP电缆厂家直销
  • 规格:齐全
  • 发货地:河北
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1米
  • 诚信商家









          The product is manufactured according to the standard 《Flexible rubber-sheathed cables for mining purposes》of GB12972-1991,《Flame retardant drade flexible rubber-sheathed cables for mining purposes》of MT818-1999, and Q/320282DCE037-2003, and the same time is also manufactured according to the standard of IEC、English、Germany and America.
          Flexible rubber-sheathed cables for mining purposes of suitable for mining purposes power device with moving installation and rated voltage up to and including 660/1140V.
          使用特性Operating characteristics
          Rated power-frequency voltage U0/U:380/660V and 660/1140V。
          Max. admissible operating temperature of the conductor:65℃
          Permissible long-term operating temperature: Lowest working temperature is :-35℃
          电缆弯曲半径:The bending radius of cable
          D≤25mm.: ≥4D
          D25mm.: ≥6D
          (D—Diameter of the cable).
          型号 Type 名称 Designation
          MY 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘(阻燃)氯丁橡皮护套矿用移动橡套软电缆 NR/SBR rubber insulated Flame retardant grade neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible cables forming purposes.
          P MYP 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘(阻燃)氯丁橡皮护套矿用屏蔽移动橡套软电缆 NR/SBR rubber insulated Flame retardant grade neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible shielding cables forming purposes.
          MC 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘(阻燃)氯丁橡皮护套采煤机软电缆 NR/SBR rubber insulated Flame retardant grade neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible coal cutter cables forming purposes.
          UCPQ 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘(阻燃)氯丁橡皮护套采煤屏蔽软电缆 NR/SBR rubber insulated Flame retardant grade neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible coal cutter shielding cables forming purposes.
          MZP 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘(阻燃)氯丁橡皮护套矿用电钻电缆 NR/SBR rubber insulated Flame retardant grade neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible drill cables forming purposes.
          MYQ 天然丁苯橡皮绝缘(阻燃)氯丁橡皮护套矿用轻型软电缆 NR/SBR rubber insulated Flame retardant grade neoprene(CR) rubber sheathed flexible light-duty cables forming purposes.
          生产范围 Production range of cable 型号 Type 额定电压 Rated voltages V 芯数 NO.of cores 标称截面 Nominal cross-sectional area mm2
          主线 Principal line 地线 Ground wire 控制线 Controlled line
          U* 1000 3 1 1 2.5~70
          UP* 1000 3 1 1 2.5~70
          MY 380/660 3 1 — 4~70
          MYP 380/660 3 1 — 4~70
          MYP 660/1140 3 1 — 4~70
          UC* 1000 3 1 2~7 10~50
          MC 380/660 3 1 3~7 16~50
          UCP* 1000 3 1 2~7 10~50
          MCP 380/660 3 1 3~7 16~50
          UCPQ* 1140 3 1 3 35~70
          MCP 660/1140 3 1 3 35~95
          MZ MZP 300/500 3 1 1 2.5~4
          MYQ 300/500 2~12 — — 1.0~2.5
          Note: “”indicates that the product is manufactured according to the standard of GB12972-1991
          “*”indicates that the product is manufactured according to the standard of Q/320282DCE037-2003.
          The rest product is manufactured according to the standard of MT818-1999    
  • 0571-87774297