Z117低氢型 直流 高钒钢 用于铸铁缺陷的焊补,如汽车缸体、机架齿轮箱等,也可焊补高强度铸件及球墨铸铁件,焊件不进行预热,焊后可以进行切削加工,但加工性能不如Z508、Z308和Z408
Z208是低碳钢芯、强石墨化型药皮的铸铁电焊条,焊缝在缓冷时可变成灰口铸铁,抗裂性能较差。可交直流两用,价格低廉。用途: 用于焊补灰口铸铁的缺陷。
Z238是低碳钢芯、强石墨化型药皮的球墨铸铁焊条,由于加入一定量的球墨化剂,使熔敷金属中的石墨在受冷过程中呈球状析出,可交直流两用。用途: 用于焊补球墨铸铁件。
Z308是纯镍焊芯、强还原性石墨型药皮的铸铁焊条,施焊时,焊件可不预热,具有良好的抗裂性能和加工性能。镍价格昂贵,应该在其它焊条不能满足时才可选用。交直流两用。用途: 用于铸铁薄件及加工面的补焊,如发动机座、机床导轨、齿轮座等重要灰口铸铁件。
Z408是镍铁合金焊芯,强还原性石墨药皮的铸铁焊条,具有强度高、塑性好、线膨胀系数低等特点。抗裂性对灰口铸铁与Z308差不多,但对球墨铸铁则比Z308强,对含磷量高(0.2%P)的铸铁,也具有良好的效果,切削加工性能比Z308和Z508稍差。用于常温或稍经预热(至200℃左右)灰口铸铁及球墨铸铁的焊接。交直流两用。用途: 适用于重要高强度灰口铸件及球墨铸件的补焊。如汽缸、发动机座、齿轮、轧辊等。
Z508是镍铜合金(蒙乃尔)焊芯,强还原性石墨药皮的铸铁焊条。其工艺性能及切削加工性能都接近Z308,但由于收缩率较大,抗裂性较差。焊接接头强度较低,所以不宜用于受力部位的焊接,可用于常温或低温预热(至300℃左右)的灰口铸铁的焊接。交直流两用。用途: 用于强度要求不高的灰口铸件的焊补。
Z208铸铁焊条 符合 GB EZC
相当 AWS EC1
熔敷金属化学成分(%)化学成分 C Mn Si S P Fe
保证值 2.00~4.00 ≤0.75 2.50~6.50 ≤0.100 ≤0.150 余量
参考电流(AC、DC+)焊条直径(mm) φ3.2 φ4.0 φ5.0
焊接电流(A) 90~120 130~180 190~220
Z238铸铁焊条 符合 GB EZCQ
熔敷金属化学成分(%)化学成分 C Mn Si S P Fe 其它元素总量 球化剂
保证值 3.20~4.20 ≤0.80 3.20~4.00 ≤0.100 ≤0.150 余量 ≤0.100 0.04~0.15
参考电流(AC、DC+)焊条直径(mm) φ3.2 φ4.0 φ5.0
焊接电流(A) 80~120 130~170 160~190
Z308铸铁焊条 符合 GB EZNi-1
相当 AWS ENi-C1
熔敷金属化学成分(%)化学成分 C Mn Si S Ni Fe 其它元素总量
保证值 ≤2.00 ≤1.00 ≤2.50 ≤0.030 ≥90 ≤8 ≤1.00
参考电流(AC、DC+)焊条直径(mm) φ2.5 φ3.2 φ4.0 φ5.0
焊接电流(A) 50~100 70~120 110~180 160~190
Z408铸铁焊条 符合 GB EZNiFe-1
相当 AWS ENiFe-C1
熔敷金属化学成分(%)化学成分 C Mn Si S Ni Fe 其它元素总量
保证值 ≤2.00 ≤1.80 ≤2.50 ≤0.030 45~60 余量 ≤1.00
参考电流(AC、DC+)焊条直径(mm) φ3.2 φ4.0 φ5.0
焊接电流(A) 50~100 70~120 110~180
Z508铸铁焊条 符合 GB EZNiCu-1
相当 AWS ENiCu-B
熔敷金属化学成分(%)化学成分 C Mn Si S Cu Ni Fe 其它元素总量
保证值 ≤1.00 ≤2.50 ≤0.80 ≤0.025 24~35 60~70 ≤6 ≤1.00
参考电流(AC、DC+)焊条直径(mm) φ2.5 φ3.2 φ4.0 φ5.0
焊接电流(A) 50~100 70~120 110~170 140~190
1. 首先清除焊接部位的油泥、砂、水、锈等脏物;对长期处于高温、蒸汽环境下工作的铸铁件,还要清除表面贫碳层及氧化层。
2. 根据被焊部位的形状、缺陷类型,进行开坡口、打止裂孔及熔池造型等准备措施。
3. 对需要冷焊的工件,先预热500-600℃左右,选用适宜电流,可连续施焊,焊接过程始终保持预热的温度,焊后立即覆盖石棉粉等保温材料,让其缓慢冷却,以提高其抗裂性能和加工性能。
4. 对于冷焊工件,防止母材熔化过多,减少白口倾向,防止热量集中过多,造成应力过大,应尽量采用小电流、短弧、窄道焊(每段焊道长度一般不超过50mm)。焊后马上锤击焊缝以松弛应力防止开裂,待温度降到60℃以下再焊一道。
5. 收弧时注意弧坑填满,以防收弧处裂。
牌号 GB标准 AWS标准 药皮类型 焊接电源 主要用途
Z208 EZC EC1 石墨型 AC、DC+ 用于焊补灰口铸铁的缺陷。
Z238 EZCQ 石墨型 AC、DC+ 用于焊补球墨铸铁件。
Z308 EZNi-1 ENi-C1 石墨型 AC、DC+ 用于铸铁薄件及加工面的补焊,如发动机座、机床导轨、齿轮座等重要灰口铸铁件。
Z408 EZNiFe-1 ENiFe-C1 石墨型 AC、DC+ 适用于重要高强度灰口铸件及球墨铸件的补焊。如汽缸、发动机座、齿轮、轧辊等。
Z508 EZNiCu-1 ENiCu-B 石墨型 AC、DC+ 用于强度要求不高的灰口铸件的焊补。
1. 首先清除焊接部位的油泥、砂、水、锈等脏物;对长期处于高温、蒸汽环境下工作的铸铁件,还要清除表面贫碳层及氧化层。
2. 根据被焊部位的形状、缺陷类型,进行开坡口、打止裂孔及熔池造型等准备措施。
3. 对需要冷焊的工件,先预热500-600℃左右,选用适宜电流,可连续施焊,焊接过程始终保持预热的温度,焊后立即覆盖石棉粉等保温材料,让其缓慢冷却,以提高其抗裂性能和加工性能。
4. 对于冷焊工件,防止母材熔化过多,减少白口倾向,防止热量集中过多,造成应力过大,应尽量采用小电流、短弧、窄道焊(每段焊道长度一般不超过50mm)。焊后马上锤击焊缝以松弛应力防止开裂,待温度降到60℃以下再焊一道。
5. 收弧时注意弧坑填满,以防收弧处裂。
Category |
Trade- |
Equivalent to China Standard |
Characteristics & application |
Equivalent to AWS |
Hard-surfacing 硬 面
D 667 |
EDZCr-B-15 |
HRc≥48. Resistance to wear, gas corrosion and oxidation. Hardfacing of blast furnace hopper and cracker part. |
D 802 |
EDCoCr-A-03 |
HRc38-47. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as the edge of thermo-cutter. |
ECoCr-A |
D 812 |
EDCoCr-B-03 |
HRc45-50. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as internal-combustion engine valve. |
ECoCr-B |
D 822 |
HRc≥53. Resistance to Wear and heat, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of rotating blade wheel of boiler. |
D 832 |
EDCoCr-C-03 |
HRc≥50. Wear and heat resistance. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as hot-rolling guided way. |
ECoCr-C |
D 842 |
EDCoCr-D-03 |
HRc28-38. Corrosion and thermo-fatigue resistance, work harding. Hardfacing of hot forging die. |
Cast iron
铁 |
Z 308 |
EZNi |
Pure nickel, excellent general properties. Used to weld thin cast iron part and repair welding machined surface, such as guided way of machine tool. |
ENi-Cl |
Z 408 |
EZNiFe |
Iron nickel, high strength and excellent ductility. Repair welding of important gray cast iron and nodular cast iron, such as cylinder cap. |
ENiFe-Cl |
Z 508 |
EZNiCu-1 |
Copper nickel, good machinability and bad crack resistance. Repair welding of sand hole and gray cast iron machined surface subject to no load. |
ENiCu-B |
Copper alloys
金 |
Cu 107 |
ECu |
Red copper, atmosphere and sea water corrosion and excellent electric conductivity. Welding of red copper such as electrical copper row. |
ECu |
Cu 207 |
ECuSi |
Silicon bronze, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of copper, silicon bronze and brass. |
ECuSi |
Cu 227 |
ECuSnB |
Tin phosphor bronze, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of copper, silicon bronze and brass. |
ECuSn-C |
Cu 237 |
ECuAl |
Aluminum bronze, wear and corrosion and high strength. Welding or surfacing of copper alloys. |
ECuAl-A2 |
Aluminum alloys
铝 合 金 |
Al 109 |
TAl |
Pure aluminum, excellent corrosion resistance and middle strength. Welding of pure aluminum. |
E1100 |
Al 209 |
TAlSi |
Silicon aluminum, good crack resistance and wide range of usage. Welding of aluminum alloys other than aluminum magnesium alloys. |
E4043 |
Al 309 |
TAMn |
Manganese aluminum, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of aluminum alloys. |
E3003 |
Nickel alloys 镍合金 |
Ni 102 |
ENi-1 |
Pure nickel. Welding and surfacing of nickel and nickel to steel. |
ENi-1 |
Ni 207 |
ENiCu-7 |
Copper nickel. Welding and surfacing of copper nickel and copper nickel to steel. |
ENiCu-7 |
Category 类别 |
Trade 牌号 |
Chemical composition 主要成份(%) |
Characteristics & application 特性和用途 |
Equivalent to AWS 相当AWS |
焊 |
S 101 |
C3 Cr28 Ni4 |
HRc48-54. Resistance to wear, gas corrosion and oxidation. Hardfacing of bucket tooth and case pump. |
S 111 |
C1 Cr29 W5 |
HRc38-47. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of high temperature and pressure valve. |
ECoCr-A |
S 112 |
C1.5 Cr29 W8 |
HRc45-50. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of valve and hot-rolling pass. |
ECoCr-B |
S 113 |
C2.5 Cr30 W17 |
HRc≥55. Wear and heat resistance at high temperature, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of screw charging carriage. |
S 114 |
C2.5 Cr30 W12 |
HRc≥53. Wear and heat resistance at high temperature, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of three-cone bit. |
ECoCr-C |
Copper alloys
金 |
S 201 |
Sn1 Si0.3Mn0.3 |
Good mechanical properties and crack resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of red copper. |
ERCu |
S 211 |
Si3 Mn1 |
Good mechanical properties. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and MIG brazing of steel. |
ERCuSi-Al |
S 212 |
Sn5 Cu Rem. |
Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuSn-A |
S 213 |
Sn8 Cu Rem. |
Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuSn-C |
S 214 |
Al7.5 Cu Rem. |
Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuAl-A1 |
S 215 |
Al9 Cu Rem. |
Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuAl-A2 |
S 221 |
Cu60 Sn1 Si0.3 |
Melting point is about 890℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 221F |
Cu60 Sn1 Si 0.3 |
S221 welding rod coated with flux. |
S 222 |
Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 |
Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
RBCuZn-C |
S 222F |
Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 |
S222 welding rod coated with flux. |
RBCuZn-C |
S 223 |
Cu59 Sn0.6 |
Melting point is about 900℃. Braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
RBCuZn-A |
S 224 |
Cu62 Si0.5 |
Melting point is about 905℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
Copper 铜
金 |
S 225 |
Cu48 Ni10 |
Melting point is about 935℃and high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and carbide alloys. |
RBCuZn-D |
S 225F |
Cu48 Ni10 |
S225 welding rod coated with flux. |
RBCuZn-D |
S 226 |
Cu60 Sn0.3 |
Melting point is about 900℃. Gas welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 227 |
Cu58Sn0.9Ni0.5 |
Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
RBCuZn-B |
S 229 |
Cu55 Ni6 Mn4 |
Melting point is about 920℃, high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and hard carbide. |
Aluminum alloys
金 |
S 301 |
Al≥99.5 |
Good ductility and corrosion resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of pure aluminum. |
ER1100 |
S 311 |
Si5 Al Rem. |
Corrosion resistance, wide range of usage. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys other than high magnesium alloys. |
ER4043 |
S 321 |
Mn1.3 Al Rem. |
Good corrosion resistance, weldability and ductility. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. |
S 331 |
Mg5 Mn0.4 |
Corrosion resistance and high strength. Argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. |
ER5183 |
Category |
Trade-mark |
Specification |
Melting |
Chemical |
Equivalent |
Copper 铜锌 |
L103 |
Wire & rod |
885-888 |
Cu54 Zn Rem. |
Brazing of copper, bronze and steel, subjected to low load. |
L104 |
Foil |
890-930 |
Cu57 Mn2 |
Brazing of carbide cutting tool. |
铜磷 |
L201 |
Cast rod, wire & rod, powder |
710-800 |
P7 Cu Rem. |
Brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
BCuP-2 |
L204 |
Cast rod, wire |
640-815 |
P5 Ag15 |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, silver and molybdenum etc. |
BCuP-5 |
L205 |
Cast rod, wire & rod, powder |
640-800 |
P6 Ag5 |
Brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
BCuP-3 |
L207 |
Cast rod, wire & rod |
640-770 |
P7 Ag5 |
Brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
BCuP-7 |
L209 |
Cast rod, wire |
684-710 |
P7 Ag2 |
Brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
BCuP-6 |
银基 |
L302 |
Wire & rod |
745-775 |
Ag25 Cu40 |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
L303 |
Wire & rod |
660-725 |
Ag45 Cu30 |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-5 |
L303F |
Flux coated rod |
660-725 |
Ag45 Cu30 |
L303 coated with flux, the same application as L303. |
BAg-5 |
L304 |
Foil |
690-775 |
Ag50 Cu34 |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys and steel etc. |
BAg-6 |
L308 |
Wire & rod |
779-780 |
Ag72 Cu Rem. |
Brazing of copper and nickel under vacuum or reducing protective atmosphere. |
BAg-8 |
L312 |
Wire & rod |
595-605 |
Ag40.Cu.Zn.Cd |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
L313 |
Wire & rod |
625-635 |
Ag50.Cu.Zn.Cd |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-1a |
L321 |
Wire & rod 丝 |
615-650 |
Ag56.Cu.Zn.Sn |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-7 |
L323 |
Wire & rod |
665-755 |
Ag30.Cu.Zn.Sn |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
L325 |
Wire & rod |
645-685 |
Ag45.Cu.Zn.Sn |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-36 |
L326 |
Wire & rod |
650-720 |
Ag38.Cu.Zn.Sn |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-34 |
Aluminum base 铝基 |
L400 |
Cast rod, wire & rod |
577-582 |
Si11.5 |
Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys. |
BAlSi-4 |
L401 |
Cast rod |
525-535 |
Si5 Cu28 |
Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys. |
Tin lead 锡铅 |
L600 |
Wire & rod |
183-185 |
Sn60 Sb≤0.8 |
Soldering of fusible metals and heat-treated part. |
60Sn |
L601 |
Wire & rod |
183-227 |
Sn18 Sb2 |
Soldering of copper, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet. |
18Sn |
L602 |
Wire & rod |
183-256 |
Sn30 Sb2 |
Soldering of copper, brass, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet. |
30Sn |
L603 |
Wire & rod |
183-235 |
Sn40 Sb2 |
Soldering of copper, copper alloys, steel and zinc parts. |
40Sn |
L604 |
Wire & rod |
183-222 |
Sn90 Sb≤0.15 |
Soldering of copper and steel for food and medicine field. |
90Sn |
L605 |
Wire & rod |
232-240 |
Ag5 Sn95 |
Soldering of copper and steel for electrical and food field. |
L608 |
Wire & rod |
295-305 |
Sn5.5 Ag2.5 |
Soldering of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel. |
Nickel base 镍基 |
L702 |
Powder |
970-1000 |
Cr7 B3 Si4 |
Brazing of stainless steel under vacuum or protective atmosphere. |
BNi-2 |
Category |
Trade-mark |
Product name |
Characteristics & application |
Gas 气焊 |
CJ301 |
Copper gas welding flux |
Melting point is about 650℃, flux for gas welding and brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
CJ401 |
Aluminum gas welding flux |
Melting point is about 560℃, flux for gas welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys. |
Silver 银钎焊 |
QJ101 |
Silver brazing flux |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 550-750℃. |
QJ102 |
Silver brazing flux |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 600-850℃. |
QJ102A |
Silver brazing flux |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 600-850℃. Non agglomeration. |
QJ112 |
Silver brazing paste flux 膏状银钎焊熔剂 |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 600-850℃. |
QJ103 |
Silver brazing flux |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 550-750℃. |
Aluminum brazing 铝钎焊 |
QJ201 |
Aluminum brazing flux |
Brazing flux of aluminum and aluminum alloys within 450-620℃. |
QJ207 |
Aluminum brazing flux |
Brazing flux of aluminum and aluminum alloys within 560-620℃. |
Category |
Trade- |
Chemical |
Hardness |
Oxy- 氧
焊 |
F103 |
Cr10 B1.5 Si3 Ni Rem. |
HRc 25 |
Spray-fusing of cast iron parts,,, such as die for glass, cylinder, and guide. |
F101 |
Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Ni Rem. |
HRc 45 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion, such as valve, the rotator and piston of pump. |
F101Fe |
Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Fe10 Ni Rem. |
HRc 45 |
Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and stigma. |
F102 |
Cr16 B4 Si4 Ni Rem. |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear, corrosion and high temperature oxidation, such as die and piston. |
F102Fe |
Cr16 B4 Si4 Fe15 Ni Rem. |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and cold die. |
F105 |
F102+50%WC |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear , such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. |
F105Fe |
F102Fe+35%WC |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear, such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. |
F108 |
F102+80%WC |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to strong grain-wear and free machining, such as harrow teeth of dredger. |
F301 |
Cr5 B4 Si4 Ni30 Fe Rem. |
HRc 45 |
Spray-fusing of vulnerable parts of agricultural machinery and mining machinery, such as gear and axletree. |
Track iron powder 轨铁粉 |
Cr5 B1.5 Si3 Ni30 Fe Rem. |
HRc 28 |
Repair spray-fusing of defects such as scratch and concavity of railroad track. |
Oxy-acetylene flame spraying
氧 乙 炔 焰 喷 涂 |
F111 |
Cr5 B1.5 Si3 Ni30 Fe Rem. |
HB 150 |
Spraying of bearing and cutting parts etc. |
F113 |
Cr10 B1.5 Si3 Ni Rem. |
HB 250 |
Spray-fusing or spraying, such as roll, piston and axle of wear and corrosion resistance. |
F313 |
Cr15 B1.5 Fe Rem. |
HB 250 |
Spraying of dryer of papermaking and axle. |
F314 |
Cr18 Ni9 B1.5 Fe Rem. |
HB 250 |
Spraying of axle. |
F412 |
Sn10 P0.3 Cu Rem. |
HB 80 |
Spraying of axle and bearing. |
F512 |
复合Al5Ni95 |
Backing spray of transition layer between base and working layer. |
PTA hardfacing 等 离 子 弧 喷 焊 |
F221 |
Cr26 W5 B0.7 Co Rem. |
HRc 43 |
PTA hardfacing of sealing surface of high temperature and high pressure valve and the edge of hot shearing tool. |
F223 |
Cr21 W5 B1.5 Co Rem. |
HRc 40 |
PTA hardfacing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion at high temperature, such as valve under high temperature and high pressure, and blower. |
F321 |
Cr13 B1.5 Si1 Fe Rem. |
HRc 45 |
PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as stop-plate etc. |
F322 |
Cr23 Ni13 Si5 B1 Fe Rem. |
HRc 40 |
PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as valve base etc. |
F422 |
Sn10 P0.3 Cu Rem. |
HB 80 |
PTA hardfacing of axle and bearing etc.