根通常不生于泥土内而伸展于水中,植株浮于水面或随水流、风浪飘动。如浮萍、水浮莲(大薸)、水葫芦(凤眼莲)等。水生植物另一个突出特点是具有很发达的通气组织,莲藕是最典型的例子,它的叶柄和藕中有很多孔眼,这就是通气道。孔眼与孔眼相连,彼此贯穿形成为一个输送气体的通道网。这样,即使长在不含氧气或氧气缺乏的污泥中,仍可以生存下来。通气组织还可以增加浮力,维持身体平衡,这对水生植物也非常有利。水是生命的摇篮。在水生环境中还有种类众多的藻类及各种水草,它们是牲畜的饲料、鱼类的食料或鱼类繁殖的场所。 2、灌水:继续对养护绿地进行及时的浇水。
8、其它:做好绿化护栏油漆、清洗、维修等工作。 深圳沃水从事水生植物培育种植与水生态环境修复建设的综合服务商,是国家级首批高新技术企业,公司是国内最早研究水植物种植培育的企业之一,主营业务为:水生植物销售,水生植物批发,水生植物基地,水生植物苗场。
Every year before and after the vernal equinox, we combine the ramets and change the soil to keep the soil fertile, so as to meet the demand for the new year's nutrient in Huizhou.
Two, expand the water surface: the water surface is small, the leaf overlap, will affect the flowering, the best pot cultivation, and pot culture to provide more water to provide more water to promote its good growth and blossom.
Three, add fertilizer: potted lotus leaf fertilizer, usually as long as the choice of fertile soil, planting lotus seeds when adding chicken dung and bone meal as base fertilizer is enough. If we want to encourage more flowering, we can add several phosphorus and potassium topdressing in the flowering stage. No more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied. Otherwise, too much vegetative growth will inhibit its reproductive growth, resulting in poor flowering or no flowering.
Four, pest control: the leaves of the water lily are easily encroach on the leaf pests such as the burglar moth, causing the leaf surface damage and reducing the photosynthesis, which is bound to affect the flowering and should be prevented and controlled in time.
After 3~4 months, the arrow lotus flower grows with the increase of temperature. At this time, it should be put into the ventilating place of the window table. It is not suitable to water more, in order to see dry wet, and keep the basin soil slightly moist. Two nitrogen and phosphorus combined liquid fertilizers were applied every 2 weeks for 2~3 consecutive times.
In the garden construction and the villa environment greening, there are two different technical ways to plant the aquatic plants. One is to build planting grooves at the bottom of the pool, spread the cultivated soil at least 15 centimeters thick, and implant the aquatic plants into the soil; the two is to plant the aquatic plants in the container and then sink the container into the water. But the two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the second methods are commonly used, because the second practical methods are convenient to move, for example, in the northern winter, the containers must be collected to prevent the cold. In the spring, the work is more flexible and more flexible when changing soil, adding fertilizer and ramets. At the same time, this method can keep the pool water clear, and clean the bottom of the pool and change the water.
Roots are usually not born in soil and extend in water. Plants float on the surface of the water or float with the currents and waves. Such as duckweed, hyacinth (Hyacinth), water hyacinth (Feng Yanlian) and so on. Another prominent feature of aquatic plants is the well-developed aeration tissue, the lotus root is the most typical example, its petiole and lotus root have many holes, this is the ventilation. The hole is connected to the hole and penetrates each other to form a channel network for conveying gas. In this way, even in the sludge without oxygen or oxygen deficiency, it can still survive. Ventilating tissue can also increase buoyancy and maintain body balance, which is also very beneficial for aquatic plants. Water is the cradle of life. There are many kinds of algae and aquatic plants in aquatic environment. They are feed for livestock, food for fish and breeding place for fish. 2, irrigation: continue to maintain green space timely watering.
3, fertilization: combine turf and shrub irrigation, apply quick acting nitrogen fertilizer, or spray foliage according to need.
4, prune: cut off dry branches in winter and spring, and trim evergreen hedge.
5, the prevention and treatment of pests and diseases: (1) the scale shell insect transferred to the bark crack, the tree hole, the trunk of tree trunk, the corner of the wall and so on after the second molting. It can be removed with hard bamboo broom, and then concentrated or buried deep. Or the method of spraying insecticide and other pesticides. (2) the beetles began to move. They could use grafting knives or self-made steel wires to remove larvae, but the smaller the wound, the better. (3) prevention and control of other diseases and pests.
6. Conservation in the green space: notice the weeds in large green spaces and the removal of climbing plants. It is also necessary to pick grass and cut the edge of the lawn.
7, grass flower: let's replace the winter flower in Wuyi, and do a good job of watering.
8, others: do green fence painting, cleaning, maintenance and so on.