它们的生长状况能直接或者间接反映出某个水域或水体的相应物理、化学及其它环境指标,有利于人们对水质变化的调控。研究结果表明,一些水生植物对水体内的污染物具有相应的去除效果。如:凤眼莲可去除氮、磷、铅、锌等元素,苦草可去除砷、铜、铅、锌等元素,大藻可去除铬、铅、锌等元素。 1.2水生植物的景观功能 水生植物不仅可以观叶、赏花,还可以欣赏其在水中的倒影。通过各种水生植物之间的相互配置,可以丰富景观效果,创造园林意
境。在以往的园林水景中,应用较多的有荷花、睡莲、黄菖蒲、菖蒲、香蒲、芦苇等种类,并不乏有以水生植物为主题的专类水景园。如杭州西湖的”曲院风荷”就因其独特的荷花景观而闻名。水生植物已日渐成为江河、湖泊、公园、池塘等水体造景的优良材料 2水生植物在景观设计中的应用 2.1水生植物材料的选择 植物材料除了要有较高的观赏价值外,最好还应具备一定的去污能力,并模拟自然生态环境,达到水体自净的效果。其中已知比较优良的种类有芦苇、睡莲、菖蒲、香蒲、水葫芦等;同时还可以充分挖掘引种当地的野生水生植物,丰富景观水体植物配置的内容,为水体绿化、美化提供更多的基础材料。深圳沃水从事水生植物培育种植与水生态环境修复建设的综合服务商,是国家级首批高新技术企业,公司是国内最早研究水植物种植培育的企业之一,主营业务为:水生植物销售,水生植物批发,水生植物基地,水生植物苗场。
The aquatic plant in Heyuan can adopt the artificial wetland plant pond bed system. The large aquatic plant community in the artificial wetland pond system is the skeleton of the artificial wetland ecosystem, plays the role of supporting the system, and also plays the role of purifying, beautifying and greening the environment. The living water park in Chengdu is a successful case.
6 existing problems and suggestions
6.1, the ecological functions of aquatic plants can not be fully developed.
Many plant planting designs have considered the requirements of Garden Aesthetics too much, ignoring the establishment of the ecosystem, and some floating plants and submerged plants with good sewage purification effect are less used. The water ecosystem established by using only emergent plants and floating leaves plants is not a benign cycle. On the basis of full consideration of landscape, we must establish stable ecosystem balance and species diversity as the ultimate goal.
6.2, regardless of site conditions and actual conditions in the selection of aquatic plants, use them freely.
In the selection of artificial wetland plants, we should adopt a cautious attitude, adapt to local conditions, choose the aquatic plants which have high ornamental value and purify the water quality in the local area, and create a waterscape with good landscape value and ecological significance as far as possible.
Their growth conditions can directly or indirectly reflect the corresponding physical, chemical and other environmental indicators of a certain water or water body, which is beneficial to the regulation of water quality change. The results showed that some aquatic plants had a corresponding removal effect on the pollutants in the water. For example, Eichhornia crassipes can remove elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, lead, zinc, etc., which can remove arsenic, copper, lead, zinc and other elements. Algae can remove elements such as chromium, lead and zinc. 1.2 the landscape function of aquatic plants. Aquatic plants can not only view foliage, admire flowers, but also enjoy their reflection in water. Through the mutual arrangement of various aquatic plants, the landscape effect can be enriched and the artistic conception of the garden can be created. In the past garden waterscape, there are many kinds of lotus, water lily, Huang Changpu, calamus, cattail, reed and so on, and there are no lack of aquatic plants with the theme of aquatic plants. Such as West Lake, Hangzhou, the "courtyard house" is famous for its unique lotus landscape. Aquatic plants have gradually become excellent materials for water landscaping of rivers, lakes, parks and ponds. 2 aquatic plants are used in landscape design. 2.1 selection of plant materials for aquatic plants should have better decontamination ability and simulate natural ecological environment to reach water. The effect of self purification. Some of the better species are reed, water lily, calamus, cattail, water hyacinth and so on. At the same time, we can fully excavate the local wild aquatic plants, enrich the content of plant configuration in the landscape water body, and provide more basic materials for the greening and beautifying the water body.