Permanova B4-009686-250
Permanova B4-009686-250
  • 规格:B4-009686-250
  • 发货地:厦门
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1个
  • 诚信商家









      绕组测温元件 pt100 WZPD-60×8×2
      轴承测温元件 pt100 WZPM-201
      智能数字显示报警仪 XMT 160×80
      柜内照明 CM-1 AC220V
      ABB辅助触头 CAF6-11M
      过压保护器 SVP-8-900U 10mA 900V
      充电式吸尘器 FC6142
      音响 MT483(银色)
      开关电源 EEP-240S24
      电源模块 230VAC/+-10VDC 1A 两路输出 4NIC-X10
      接口转换器 Uport1110(moxa)
      仪表信号发生器 SIN-C502 联测
      连杆浮球液位开关 XL-A-AX-1-M3-2-600
      三相直流电焊机防触电保护器 HZF-600
      线路板 CKGP-1
      光隔端子 RET24VDC0/2
      空气断路器 CN187/2P 16A
      控制按钮 BF-22 6A AC-15 600V DC-13
      控制按钮 BF-22 6A AC-15 600V DC-13
      防爆电话 KTH103
      防爆水银开关 BLY-211
      档位开关 HR8
      小型中间继电器 MA415A-44 AC220V
      小型中间继电器 MA415A-62 AC220V
      中间继电器 DRM-570615LT 配底座
      瓷盘电阻 BC1-50W-100Ω
      管形电阻 ZG11-100 2KΩ
      LED灯杯 MR16 12V 5W
      多功能海拔表 8合1 SunRoad
      高压负荷开关 FN16A-12RD 100/75A
      本安三通接线盒 JHH-3
      行程开关 LX10-12
      穿墙套管安装板 304不锈钢
      静触头盒安装板 304不锈钢
      绝缘垫块 10mm
      绝缘子 HKZJ-120/φ25×140
      母线支柱绝缘子增爬群 125×510
      COMPASS组合电器增爬群 125×510
      增爬群 185×565
      增爬群 255×640
      增爬群 275×480
      增爬群 315×695
      智能电机综合保护器 ARD3-100AM-90L
      智能电机综合保护器 ARD3-250AM-90L
      直流接触器 DILM15-10 DC24V
      控制按钮 LA39-B3-11/G
      中间继电器 HFG18/A230-4Z1
      中间继电器 HFG18/AC220V-2Z1
      中间继电器 HFG18/AC220V-4Z1
      中间继电器 HFG18/DC24V-4Z1
      信号处理仪表 VEGAMET624 AC220V
      多路巡检显示仪 AI-706ME J2J2J2L1L1
      电力电池监测仪 UNICON-S7BTS
      高频开关整流器 CT220/220-2KVA
      温湿度控制器 WSK 220VAC 1路除湿 1路加热
      智能控制器 EDJ-M/TH2/D/C/DC220/Z
      手持式吹风机 220V
      语音提醒器 WT-HT-38
      UPS不间断电源 YIR1103 220V 15A
      按钮开关 TNHA2-2168B AC380V
      单相变压器 HY-10Q 10/0.22kV 3kVA
      电机专用热电阻 WZPMA6×18B-3×1500-H PT100
      智能数字巡检仪 XCS-X16A 220V 沈阳西城精密仪表厂
      轴承故障诊断仪 S911H
      干式变压器电阻巡检仪 BWD-3K(F)
      变频器 SYRINGA SB110iF-4 时运捷
      变频器 SYRINGA SB185iF-4 时运捷
      变频器 SYRINGA SB550iF-4 时运捷
      热继电器 JRS5-20/F
      热继电器 JRS5-20/F
      电流继电器 GL15-5A
      万能转换开关 LW5-16A
      电压电流通断测试仪 FIUKE T5 600V
      叉形预绝缘头 SV1.25-3.5
      常闭按钮 XK06-1010602
      控制按钮 LAY7
      功率变送器 BD-4P AC220V
      空气断路器 GV2PM-10C/4-6.4A
      叉形预绝缘头 SV1.25-3
      叉形预绝缘头 SV2-3
      漏电保护断路器 EA9RN2/C10A/30mA/AC
      行程限位器 DXZ-1:60
      行程限位器 DXZ-1:60
      可控硅 MT/DC130-16
      可控硅 MT/DC130-16
      高斯计 LD108-6HE-280
      无线温度传感器 SNT-T100
      无线温度传感器 SNT-T100
      无线温度监测仪 SNT-R2400A
      无线温度监测仪 SNT-R2400A
      无线温度传感器 SNT-T100
      无线温度监测仪 SNT-R2400A
      变频器 ATV312HU75N4 施耐德
      弱电软操作器 DFD-1300N
      多用插座 施耐德P83-CNX705
      多用插座 法耐德GBS-004
      多用插座 依锘泰115
      轨道计轴传感器 KG8007(A)
      玻璃管保险 3A φ5×20
      玻璃管保险 5A φ5×20
      熔断器 RL5-16
      熔断器 vk-2.5/6A
      熔断器芯 RL5-16
      风扇 5118N DC24V/135×135×38
      平板整流二级管 ZP1800-28
      平板整流二极管 ZP1500-28
      磁感应接近传感器 KGE27
      熔断器 AES 1×38 32A/690V
      熔断器芯 R015.RS15 2A φ10×38mm
       23XS40 R3001 (100 pcs) 1KGN000758R3001
       23BE23 R5001 1KGT012100R5001
       23BA20 R5312 GSNE000700R5312

      2T JETT*XL
      2T N4
      2T Safari
      4P FDA300
      4P FDA600
      Aceeca MEZ1000
      Aceeca MEZ1500
      Aceeca PDA32
      Advantech MARS-1030/1031
      Advantech PWS-8033M
      ADLINK IMX-2000
      ADLINK IMX-9000
      Amrel APEX AH53
      Amrel DA5+
      Amrel DA5-B
      Amrel DB7
      Amrel DF6
      Amrel DF7A
      Amrel XP7-ID
      Atid AT911
      BDA SwitchBack
      BDA MTS
      Bluebird Pidion BM-170
      Bluebird Pidion BM180
      Bluebird Pidion BIP-6000
      Bluebird Pidion BIP-7000
      Bluebird EF500/EF500R
      Casio DT-X7
      Casio DT-X30
      Casio IT-300
      Casio IT-800
      Casio IT-3100
      Catchwelll CW20
      Catchwelll CW31
      Cedar CMP1
      Cedar CT4
      CipherLab CP50
      CipherLab CP60
      CipherLab 8600 Series
      CipherLab 9700 Series
      CipherLab RS30
      Datalogic Elf
      Datalogic Falcon X3
      Datalogic Lynx
      Datalogic Memor
      Datalogic Memor X3
      Datalogic Skorpio X3
      DLI 7200
      DRS Scorpion H2
      DT Research WebDT 410
      DT Research WebDT 415
      DT Research WebDT 430
      DT Research WebDT 435
      Elbit Systems RPDA-57
      Elbit Systems Tacter-31M
      Elbit Systems Tacter-31D
      Eurotech HRC-3100
      Eurotech HRC-4200
      Eurotech Zypad wl1500
      F4Devices BAP/Flint
      GETAC PS336
      Glacier Ridgeline Q100
      Handheld Nautiz X1
      Handheld Nautiz X3
      Handheld Nautiz X3 (short)
      Handheld Nautiz X4 (short)
      Handheld Nautiz X4
      Handheld Nautiz X8
      Honeywell Dolphin 6000 Scanphone
      Honeywell Dolphin CT50
      Honeywell Dolphin 70e Black
      Honeywell Dolphin 75e
      Honeywell Dolphin 7800
      Honeywell Dolphin 7800 for Android
      Honeywell Dolphin 99EX
      Honeywell Dolphin 99GX
      Honeywell (LXE) HX3
      Honeywell (LXE) MX8
      Honeywell (LXE) MX9
      Honeywell (LXE) Tecton
      Intermec CN3
      Intermec CN4
      Intermec CN4e
      Intermec CN50
      Intermec CN51
      Intermec CN70
      Intermec CN70e
      Intermec CK3
      Intermec CK3R
      Intermec CK3X
      Intermec CK32IS
      Intermec CK70
      Intermec CK71
      Intermec CS40
      Janam XG3
      Janam XG100
      Janam XG105
      Janam XM2-RFID for Rail
      Janam XM2-RFID UHF
      Janam XM5
      Janam XM60+
      Janam XM66
      Janam XP20
      Janam XP30
      Janam XT1
      Janam XT2
      Juniper Archer 2
      Juniper Archer Longbow (full)
      Juniper Allegro MX (full)
      Juniper Allegro 2
      Juniper Mesa
      Juniper Mesa (full)
      Juniper Mesa 2
      Magellan eXplorist Pro 10
      Motorola LEX L10
      Motorola LEX 700
      Panasonic Toughbook U1 Ultra
      Panasonic Toughpad FZ-E1
      Panasonic Toughpad FZ-F1
      Panasonic Toughpad FZ-N1
      Panasonic Toughpad FZ-X1
      Parvus Zypad WR1100
      Opticon H22
      Opticon H27
      Opticon H32
      QSI (Beijer) QTERM-G58
      QSI (Beijer) TREQ-M4
      Quantum3D Thermite TL
      Radix FW960
      Schweers X600
      Schweers Ticketman
      Socket SoMo 655
      Sonim XP1
      SDG Systems Atid AT911
      SDG Systems RAMPAGE 6
      Spectralink PIVOT
      TAG TC-100
      Talla-Tech RPDA-57
      Talla-Tech Tacter-31M
      TouchStar Hawk
      Trimble GeoExplorer 2008
      Trimble Geo Series
      Trimble Juno T41
      Trimble Juno 3B/3D
      Trimble Juno SC
      Trimble Nomad 900
      Trimble Ranger 3
      Trimble Ranger 3 brief
      Trimble Tablet
      Trimble Yuma
      Two Technologies HANDGEAR
      Two Technologies Hydrus
      Two Technologies Hydrus Luna
      Two Technologies JETT*ce
      Two Technologies JETT*XL
      Two Technologies N4
      Two Technologies Safari
      Unitech HT682
      Unitech PA550
      Unitech PA692
      Unitech PA692A
      Unitech PA700
      Unitech PA820
      Winmate C350T (3.5")
      Winmate 3.7" Rugged Handheld
      Winmate E430T (4.3")
      Winmate E430M2 (4.3")
      Winmate E430RM2 (4.3")
      Winmate S430T (4.3")
      Winmate G570Z (5.7")
      Zebra HC1
      Zebra MC17
      Zebra MC18
      Zebra MC40
      Zebra MC45
      Zebra MC55A0
      Zebra MC67
      Zebra MC2100
      Zebra MC3190-Z
      Zebra MC3200
      Zebra MC9190-G
      Zebra MC9500-K
      Zebra TC55
      Zebra TC70
      Zebra TC75
      Zebra TC8000
      Zebra XT15
      Zebra WorkAbout Pro 4
      Zebra WT41N0
      2T JETT.eye
      Amrel HBS-2
      Amrel DA4-M
      Amrel DA5-M
      Amrel DB6-M
      Bluebird Pidion BIP-5000 Casio EG-800 III
      Casio IT-10
      Casio IT-600
      Casio IT-700
      Casio DT-X10
      DAP Technologies M1000
      DAP MicroFlex 2240
      DAP Technologies M2000
      DAP MicroFlex 3000B
      DAP Technologies M3240
      DAP Technologies M4000
      DAP Technologies M4305
      DAP MicroFlex 5000
      DAP Kinysis 8900KS
      DAP Kinysis 8900VS
      Datalogic Falcon 4400
      Datalogic Falcon 5500
      Datalogic Formula
      Datalogic Kyman
      Datalogic Jet
      Datalogic Memor
      Datalogic Pegaso
      Datalogic Skorpio
      DLoG XMDA
      GD-Itronix GD300
      GD-Itronix GD400
      GETAC MH132
      GETAC PS236
      GETAC PS535F
      Handheld M3 Mobile
      Handheld Nautiz X5
      Handheld Nautiz X7
      Handheld Nomad
      Hand Held Products 7850
      Hand Held Products 7900
      Hand Held Products 9550
      Hitachi VisionPlate
      Honeywell Dolphin 7600
      Honeywell Dolphin 7850
      Honeywell Dolphin 7900
      Honeywell Dolphin 9550
      Honeywell Dolphin 9900
      Honeywell (LXE) MX3XPlus
      Honeywell (LXE) MX5
      Honeywell (LXE) MX6
      Honeywell (LXE) MX7
      Honeywell Optimus SP5700
      Intermec 700 Series
      Intermec CK31
      Intermec CK61/CK61EX
      Intermec CK1
      Intermec CN2
      Intermec CN30
      Intermec CK60
      Itronix Q200
      Janam XT85
      Juniper Archer (full)
      Juniper Archer XF101 (full)
      Juniper Allegro CX
      Metrologic SP5700 OptimusPDA
      MicroSlate MSL-1500
      MicroSlate SideARM
      Motorola ES400
      Motorola HC700-L
      Motorola HC700-G
      Motorola MC35
      Motorola MC55
      Motorola MC75
      Motorola MC3000
      Motorola MC3090-Z
      Motorola MC3100
      Motorola MC9090-G
      Motorola MC9090-K
      Motorola MC9190-G
      Motorola MC9097
      Motorola MT2000
      NEC MobilePro 900c
      Nova Mobility NMS SideARM
      Panasonic Toughbook CF-01
      Psion Teklogix 7530 G1
      Psion 7530 G2
      Psion Teklogix 7535 G1
      Psion 7535 G2
      Psion Neo
      Psion Teklogix NetPad
      Psion Teklogix NetBook Pro
      Psion WorkAbout Pro G2
      Psion Teklogix WorkAbout Pro G1
      Psion WorkAbout Pro 3
      Psion XT10
      Psion RT15
      Psion ik?n
      RMT G-Force 8500
      Socket SoMo 650 (full review)
      Socket SoMo 650rx
      Symbol MC17
      Symbol MC35 (full)
      Symbol MC50
      Symbol MC55
      Symbol MC70
      Symbol MC3000
      Symbol MC9000-G
      Symbol MC9090-G
      Symbol MC9090-K
      Symbol SPT 1550
      Symbol SPT 1800
      Symbol PDT 8100
      Symbol PPT 8800
      Symbol WT4000
      TDS Nomad
      TDS Nomad (full review)
      TDS Ranger
      TDS Ranger (full review)
      TDS Recon
      TouchStar Olympus R1000
      Trimble GeoExplorer
      Trimble Nomad 800
      Trimble Juno 3B and 3D
      Trimble Juno ST
      Two Technologies JETT.eye
      Unitech HT680
      Unitech PA500
      Unitech PA500e
      Unitech PA600
      Unitech PA600 HF
      Unitech PA600 MCA
      Unitech PA600 PE
      Unitech PA950
      Unitech PA966/967
      Unitech PA968
      Unitech PA968II
      Unitech PA982
      Unitech RH767
      ViewSonic V38r
      ViewSonic V38r (full)
      Zebra (Motorola) MC65
      Zebra (Motorola) MC75A
      Zebra (Motorola) MC3100
      Zebra (Psion) EP10
       Windows Mobile Info
      Windows Embedded 8.1 Handheld
      Windows Embedded Compact 2013
      Windows Embedded 8 Handheld
      Windows Embedded Compact 7
      Windows Embedded Handheld
      Windows Phone 7
      Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3
      Windows Mobile 6.5
      Windows Mobile 6
      Windows CE 6.0
      Windows Mobile 5
      Windows CE 5.0
      Windows Mobile Smartphone
      Windows Mobile 2003
      Windows CE .Net
      Windows for Pocket PC 2002
      Pocket PC intro 2000
      Windows CE H/PC Pro 1998
      Windows CE 2.0 1997
      YEF3521 YEF-3521 YEF3522 YEF-3522 YEF3523 YEF-3523
      YEF3524 YEF-3524 YEF3525 YEF-3525 YEF3526 YEF-3526
      YEF3527 YEF-3527 YEF3528 YEF-3528 YEF3529 YEF-3529
      YEF3530 YEF-3530 YEF3531 YEF-3531 YEF3532 YEF-3532
      YEF3533 YEF-3533 YEF3534 YEF-3534 YEF3535 YEF-3535
      YEF3536 YEF-3536 YEF3537 YEF-3537 YEF3538 YEF-3538
      YEF3539 YEF-3539 YEF3540 YEF-3540 YEF3541 YEF-3541
      YEF3542 YEF-3542 YEF3543 YEF-3543 YEF3544 YEF-3544Available Models / Part Numbers
      Part # Description     Price(s)
      Part Number: MC92N0-GA0SXEYA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 1D Laser Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE965 Standard Laser, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: Blueto... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXARA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Add Part MC92N0-G30SXARA5WR to quote form

      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXAYA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXERA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXEYA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXFRA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXFYA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXGRA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXGYA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXHYA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXJRA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SXJYA5WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Standard, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: ... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SYAAA6WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Premium, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 Processor, Scan Engine: SE4500 Blockbuster Imager, Display: 3.70in Color Touch Screen (640 x 480 VGA), WLAN: 802.11 a/b/g/n, WPAN: B... 
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      Part Number: MC92N0-G30SYAQA6WR 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol MC9200 Mobile Computer 
      Zebra / Motorola / Symbol, MC9200 Series - Model: MC92N0-G Premium, Wireless Rugged Handheld (Gun / Pistol-Grip) Mobile Computer with Standard Range 2D Imager Barcode Scanner (CPU: Dual Core 1GHz OMAP 4 
  • 0571-87774297