西门子工业自动化与驱动集团合作伙伴 |
广州三合自动化设备有限公司 |
联 系 人: |
阿 拉 雷 |
电 话 : |
o 2 o - 3 9 o o 8 7 5 9 |
手 机: |
1 7 7 2 8 (微*)1 9 8 3 3 1 |
传 真: |
o 2 o - 3 9 o o 8 7 5 9 |
商务 QQ : |
2 3 8 2 1 1 9 6 6 8 |
公司地址: |
广州市南沙区金岭北路252号1704房 |
三合致力于推动世界智慧工厂的进程 确保工业4.0时代的早日到来
中央处理CPU |
订货号 |
CPU SR20 |
继电器输出,220 V AC 供电,12 输入/8 输出 |
6ES7 288-1SR200-AA0 |
CPU ST20 |
晶体管输出,24 V DC 供电,12 输入/8 输出 |
6ES7-288-1ST20-0AA0 |
CPU SR30 |
继电器输出,220 V AC 供电,18 输入/12 输出 |
6ES7-288-1SR30-0AA0 |
CPU ST30 |
晶体管输出,24 V DC 供电,18 输入/12 输出 |
6ES7-288-1ST30-0AA0 |
CPU SR40 |
继电器输出,220 V AC 供电,24 输入/16 输出 |
6ES7-288-1SR40-0AA0 |
CPU ST40 |
晶体管输出,24 V DC 供电,24 输入/16 输出 |
6ES7-288-1ST40-0AA0 |
CPU SR60 |
继电器输出,220 V AC 供电,36 输入/24 输出 |
6ES7-288-1SR60-0AA0 |
CPU ST60 |
晶体管输出,24 V DC 供电,36 输入/24 输出 |
6ES7-288-1ST60-0AA0 |
CPU CR40 |
继电器输出,220 V AC 供电,24 输入/16 输出 |
6ES7-288-1CR40-0AA0 |
CPU CR60 |
继电器输出,220 V AC 供电,36 输入/24 输出 |
6ES7-288-1CR60-0AA0 |
扩展模块 EM |
订货号 |
EM DE08 |
数字量DI模块,8路输入 |
6ES7-288-2DE08-0AA0 |
EM DR08 |
数字量DO模块,8路 继电器 输出 |
6ES7-288-2DR08-0AA0 |
EM DT08 |
数字量DO模块,8路 晶体管输出 |
6ES7-288-2DT08-0AA0 |
EM DR16 |
数字量DI/DO模块,8路输入 / 8路继电器输出 |
6ES7-288-2DR16-0AA0 |
EM DT16 |
数字量DI/DO模块,8路输入 / 8路晶体管输出 |
6ES7-288-2DT16-0AA0 |
EM DR32 |
数字量DI/DO模块,16路输入 / 16路继电器输出 |
6ES7-288-2DR32-0AA0 |
EM DT32 |
数字量DI/DO模块,16路输入 / 16路晶体管输出 |
6ES7-288-2DT32-0AA0 |
EM AE04 |
模拟量AI模块,4 路输入 |
6ES7-288-3AE04-0AA0 |
EM AE08 |
模拟量AI模块,8路输入 |
6ES7-288-3AE08-0AA0 |
EM AQ02 |
模拟量AO模块,2 路输出 |
6ES7-288-3AQ02-0AA0 |
EM AQ04 |
模拟量AO模块,4路 输出 |
6ES-7288-3AQ04-0AA0 |
EM AM03 |
模拟量AI/AO模块,2路 输入/ 1路输出 |
6ES7-288-3AM03-0AA0 |
EM AM06 |
模拟量AI/AO模块,4路 输入/ 2路 输出 |
6ES7-288-3AM06-0AA0 |
EM AR02 |
热电阻输入模块,2 通道 |
6ES7-288-3AR02-0AA0 |
EM AR04 |
热电阻输入模块,4 通道 |
6ES7-288-3AR04-0AA0 |
EM AT04 |
热电偶输入模块,4 通道 |
6ES7-288-3AT04-0AA0 |
EM DP01 |
Profibus-DP从站扩展模块 |
6ES7-288-7DP01-0AA0 |
信号板 SB |
订货号 |
SB CM01 |
通信信号板,RS485/RS232 |
6ES7-288-5CM01-0AA0 |
SB DT04 |
数字量扩展信号板,2路输入/2路晶体管输出 |
6ES7-288-5DT04-0AA0 |
SB AE01 |
模拟量扩展信号板, 1 路模拟量AI |
6ES7-288-5AE0-10AA0 |
SB AQ01 |
模拟量扩展信号板,1 路模拟量AO |
6ES7-288-5AQ01-0AA0 |
SB BA01 |
电池信号板,支持普通纽扣电池 CR1025 |
6ES7-2885BA0-10AA0 |
其它附件 |
订货号 |
PM207 3A |
电源,输入:120/ 230 V AC,输出: 24 V DC / 3 A |
6ES7-288-0CD10-0AA0 |
PM207 5A |
电源,输入:120 /230 V AC ,输出: 24 V DC /5 A |
6ES7-288-0ED10-0AA0 |
XB005 |
SCALANCE 以太网交换机,5端口 |
6GK5 005-0BA00-1AB2 |
触摸屏 HMI |
订货号 |
7寸,64K色,集成以太网口,USB2.0,归档功能 |
6AV6 -648-0CC11-3AX0 |
10.2寸,64K色,集成以太网口,USB2.0,归档功能 |
6AV6- 648-0CE11-3AX0 |
TD400C |
蓝色背光LCD,4行文本显示器,可自定义前面板 |
6AV6- 640-0AA0-0AX0 |
本条目说明如何设置消息接收的结束条件,并适用于 S7-1200 和 S7-1500 的所有串口通信模块和通信板。
说明: 销售原装西门子SMART模拟量模块6ES7288-3AM03-0AA0
本说明描述了如何使用'Carriage Return' (16#0D) 和 'Line Feed' (16#0A) 字符结束消息。'Carriage Return' 和 'Line Feed' 在Microsoft Windows 中组合使用,用于结束一行。按下面步骤设置消息接收的结束条件:
大多数串口通信模块已经支持如3964(R) 或 ASCII这样的标准协议。此外,驱动程序可以被装载,以用于不同的串口通信模块。建议采用这种方法。
像3964(R)这样的协议具有一个 DLE (Data Link Escape, 数据通信换码16#10), 结束字符后是ETX (End of Text, 文本结束 16#03). 协议由一个可变的校验和结束 (BCC).
如果设置倒数第三个字节为16#10 (DLE)作为结束ID,且设置倒数第二个字节为16#03 (ETX),但是最后一个字节作为变量,那么进行如下设置。
图 03
本 FAQ回答中的截图和下载用STEP 7 V13 创建,以模块 CM 1241 (RS232) 为例做组态配置。其他CM PtP 通信模块设置相同。
AS-Interface is an open, international standard according to EN 50295 and IEC 62026-2 for process and field communication. Leading manufacturers of actuators and sensors worldwide support AS-Interface. Interested companies are provided with the electrical and mechanical specifications by the AS-Interface Association.
AS-Interface is a single master system. For automation systems from Siemens, there are communications processors (CPs) communications modules (CMs) and routers (links) that control the process or field communication as masters, and actuators and sensors that are activated as AS-Interface slaves.
More information |
Homepage, see www.siemens.com/as-interface |
AS?Interface in the SIMATIC NET communications landscape
An important characteristic of the AS?Interface technology is the use of a shared two-wire cable for data transmission and distribution of auxiliary power to the sensors and actuators. An AS?i power supply unit or alternatively a standard power supply unit that meets the requirements of the AS?Interface transmission method and has an external AS?i data decoupling module is used for the distribution of auxiliary power. The AS?Interface cable used for the wiring is mechanically coded and hence protected against polarity reversal and can be easily contacted by the insulation piercing method.
Complex control cable wiring in the control cabinet and terminal blocks can be replaced with AS?Interface.
The AS?Interface cable can be connected to any points thanks to a specially developed cable and connection by the insulation piercing method.
This concept results in enormous flexibility and significant cost savings.
The AS?i master automatically transfers the inputs and outputs between the controller and the digital and analog AS?Interface slaves. Diagnostic information from the slaves are passed on to the controller as needed.
The latest AS?Interface masters according to the AS?Interface Specification V3.0 support integrated analog value processing. This means that data exchange with analog AS?Interface slaves is just as easy as with digital slaves.
In addition to I/O data exchange with binary and analog AS?Interface slaves the AS?Interface masters can provide a number of other functions through the command interface.
Hence it is possible, for example, for slave addresses to be issued, parameter values transferred or configuration information read out from user programs.