  • 规格:XVM-A-2.5-2
  • 发货地:河南新乡市
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1台
  • 诚信商家










      ZDS振动电机详细介绍:绝缘等级:B 防护等级:IP55 电压:380V 相数:3相 激振力调节范围:0-定额:连续 
      ZDS vibration motor in detail: the insulation class: B protection grade: IP55 voltage: 380 v phase number: 3 phase excitation adjustment range: 0 - the biggestquota: continuous
          设计先进、重量轻、体积小、使用和维修方便。 利用平稳回转产生振动,激振效率高,噪声低,使用寿命长。 全封闭结构,可在任何无防爆要求的粉尘条件下工作。 只需调节偏心块夹角,可无级调整激振力。 可多机组合成各种振动形式,以完成各种作业要求。 规格齐全,能满足各类振动机械的工作需要。

      Advanced design, light weight, small volume, convenient use and maintenance.Vibration generated by steady rotating excitation with high efficiency, low noise, long service life.Fully closed structure and can be in any kind of dust explosion-proof requirements under the working conditions.Only need to adjust the Angle of the eccentric block, stepless adjustment of vibration force.Unit can be more than the synthesis of various vibration mode, in order to complete a variety of requirements.Complete specifications, can meet the needs of the work of all kinds of mechanical vibration.


          ZDS振动电机可以在高负荷下连续运转,使用寿命长,高品质的制造材料,保证其可靠性。 可以承受高温工作条件的防震电机线圈; 功率储备高; 具备高承载能力的特殊轴承; 特殊油脂可持久润滑; 高强度的铸机座。

      Product Quality
         ZDS vibration motor can be continuous operation under high load, long service life, the manufacture of high quality material, ensure its reliability.Can work under high temperature conditions of shockproof motor coil;High power reserves;Have special bearing high carrying capacity;Special grease can be permanent lubrication;High strength casting base.


      Parameters and bounday dimension


      型号 振次 激振力 功率 电流 重量 图号 A B H h a b φ E F
      r/min N Kw A Kg mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
      ZDS-0.6-2 2800 650 0.05 0.2 4 A 168 120 97 46 100 9 40 8
      ZDS-1.5-2 2860 1500 0.1 0.3 12 B 255 160 156 80 40 130 11 100 15
      ZDS-2-2 2860 2000 0.15 0.5 12 B 255 160 156 80 40 130 11 100 15
      ZDS-5-2 2860 5000 0.37 1.1 24 B 285 185 190 90 120 150 13 150 30
      ZDS-10-2 2860 10000 0.75 1.96 36 B 425 210 226 110 130 170 17 170 25
      ZDS-20-2 2860 20000 1.5 3 80 B 480 320 285 135 190 260 25 250 30
      ZDS-30-2 2860 30000 2.2 4.65 100 B 590 380 320 146 160 310 33 260 25
      ZDS-50-2 2860 50000 3.7 7.5 205 B 665 460 390 195 250 380 38 340 35
      ZDS-2-4 1450 2000 0.12 0.37 16 B 280 160 180 80 40 130 11 100 15
      ZDS-2.5-4 1450 2500 0.2 0.62 24 B 350 185 190 90 120 150 13 150 30
      ZDS-5-4 1450 5000 0.4 1.21 36 B 390 210 226 110 130 170 13 170 25
      ZDS-10-4 1450 10000 0.75 2.25 62 B 460 270 270 120 160 220 21 220 25
      ZDS-20-4 1450 20000 1.1 2.76 85 B 530 320 285 135 190 260 25 250 30
      ZDS-30-4 1450 30000 1.5 3.3 130 B 540 350 340 163 180 280 33 250 30
      ZDS-50-4 1450 50000 2.2 6.68 180 B 580 390 340 165 160 310 38 286 30
      ZDS-80-4 1450 80000 3.7 8.7 260 C 710 460 380 195 125 380 38 364 35
      ZDS-2.5-6 960 2500 0.2 0.69 25 B 350 185 190 90 120 150 13 150 30
      ZDS-5-6 960 5000 0.4 1.18 40 B 390 210 226 110 130 170 13 170 25
      ZDS-10-6 960 10000 0.75 2.2 75 B 510 310 285 140 160 220 21 220 25
      ZDS-13-6 960 13000 0.8 2.32 81 B 510 310 285 140 165 250 25 220 25
      ZDS-18-6 960 18000 1.1 3 115 B 530 320 315 163 190 260 25 250 25
      ZDS-20-6 960 20000 1.5 3.5 125 B 530 320 315 163 190 260 25 250 25
      ZDS-25-6 960 25000 1.5 3.92 145 B 540 350 340 163 180 280 33 250 30
      ZDS-30-6 960 30000 2.2 4.9 155 B 540 350 340 163 180 280 33 250 30
      ZDS-36-6 960 36000 2.2 5.52 175 B 600 380 360 190 225 310 33 285 35
      ZDS-40-6 960 40000 3 6.5 190 B 600 380 360 190 225 310 33 285 35
      ZDS-50-6 960 50000 3.7 9.15 290 B 710 460 390 195 250 380 38 340 35
      ZDS-75-6 960 75000 5.5 12.2 372 C 770 480 440 210 125 380 38 370 38
      ZDS-100-6 960 100000 7.5 17.9 480 C 830 460 470 230 140 380 38 430 35
      ZDS-130-6 960 130000 9.5 21.7 620 C 880 550 500 250 140 460 45 440 40
      ZDS-160-6 960 160000 12 24.8 740 D 1040 550 500 250 118 460 38 500 40
      ZDS-180-6 960 180000 14 31.9 760 D 1000 610 540 270 120 520 45 525 40
      ZDS-220-6 960 22000 18 34.5 1040 D 1050 665 580 295 140 560 45 585 45
      ZDS-200-8 740 200000 15 35 1090 D 1110 610 605 305 140 520 45 580 40
      ZDS-32-4 1450 10000 0.8 3 60 B 420 230 235 120 170 180 18 220 25

  • 0571-87774297